Teach English in Xinzhuang Zhen - Laiwu Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Laiwu Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is a vital component in any classroom. Without it, the development of the students’ abilities takes a downward spiral and suffocates the space that has the potential to become ground for inspiring classes to take form: classes that have the potential to be the groundwork of the students’ progression to communicating in English with effectiveness and fluency. There are many ways that motivation can come from, especially in the daily or frequent use of the English language in one’s life. An English-speaking friend, a workspace that demands this knowledge in order to expand one’s capacities, or even a simple interest in music or movies where the language is expressed, and there is a desire for understanding. Frequency in the exposure of the language is an important factor to cultivate motivation. In the Communicative Language Teaching methodology, the learner is given the opportunity to make use of the language in a way that can reflect real life situations, including role-play and stimulation. Although accuracy is not particularly emphasised, the fact that this method is effective in getting learners engaged and exposed to the language helps the students' progress; not not only in the usage of English, but also in developing the necessary ingredient of motivation to learn it and use it more often. Another method that more easily allows for the flourishing of motivation within the space of the classroom, is Suggestoapeadia. This method gives emphasis on the learners’ need to be comfortable, confident, and relaxed in order to be more receptive to the information given to them. In a high-stress environment, motivation seems to move more toward leaving the classroom rather than staying and learning anything. In this way, Suggestoapeadia can motivate students, not just within the classroom space, but also outside it and in their personal lives. The fact that traumatic themes are also avoided in this method can help to motivate people to learn, as other themes are explored: themes that are not only more topical, but also more beneficial for the learner in their development. Relying on methodology alone, however, is not sufficient for a teacher to produce a classroom environment that contributes to the students’ motivation. There are many factors that determine how motivated a student is, and there are many more factors that the teacher is responsible for. One of these is the recognition of, and the rewarding of the students’ efforts. Secondly, the teacher needs to be able to engage the students so that they feel more relaxed and able to participate, and even enthusiastic to participate. Even a motivated student can shy away from participating in the classroom, which eventually leads to feeling left out and losing any excitement during the learning process. A major contribution to the creation of a motivation-positive classroom environment is the teacher’s own enthusiasm for teaching, and for the content of what they are teaching. Furthermore, interest in the students is essential, as this will enable them to feel free to express themselves, share their thoughts and feelings, and participate in the activities; because they will know that they are in a safe environment with someone who is present, engaged, and eager to witness their development.