Teach English in Anle Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Anle Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Liaocheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The best thing I’ve learned from my TEFL course is that integrity is one of the most important factors of teaching students, if not the most essential. Time and time again throughout the different units I recognized this notion as it was demonstrated in the many concepts that I read about, as well as in the videos shown. The Units I most strongly came to form my belief on this topic upon include: Unit One - section, ‘What Makes a Good Teacher,’ Unit Three - section, ‘Eye Contact, Gesture, and Voice,’ and Unit Six - section, ‘Video Lessons.’ Unit One, section, ‘What Makes a Good Teacher’ taught me that as human beings and as learners, we respond best to sincere attributes from our teachers. Characteristics of a good teacher listed in this section include: kindness, patience, a passion for teaching, liviness, true knowledge, a good relationship/rapport with the class, the ability to involve all students, the ability to correct, and the ability to give individual attention where needed. Reading this list I realized that the majority of these traits are ones which are more directly related to wanting to actually be teaching or helping others, rather than having the perfect experience or knowledge. Of course a certain level of knowledge is required in order to truly teach and more experience is always better, but this section taught me how the majority of establishing a connection with the student is by having integrity as a teacher. Unit Three - section, ‘Eye Contact, Gesture, and Voice,’ confirmed just how powerful and effective basic human actions can be in building a sincere bond/relationship between two or more people. As simple as these small actions can be, this section taught me that as humans we understand signals and messages through many different forms. In my mind, all of these actions would be carried out by a teacher who understands the value of such little efforts because they create a true connection with the student. A teacher with integrity would take the time to check that everyone is participating with eye contact, add visual interest with gestures, or acknowledge the students by their names by using their voice (to list a few examples). Unit Six, section ‘Video Lessons,’ taught me visually how much more engaged and interested a classroom is when the teacher holds integrity. In the first video lesson the teacher was abrupt, appeared withdrawn from his teaching, very general, and dull. Whereas in the second video lesson the teacher took his time to explain in detail, seemed engaged in the lesson, took time with students individually and personally, and outgoing/interesting. It was very obvious how much more receptive and quick to learn the students were in the second video lesson which again taught me how important it is to actually want to be standing there at the front of the class teaching others. In conclusion, throughout all of the concepts taught in my TEFL course - especially those in Units One, Three, and Six, I was reminded of the power of integrity. That to me was the best notion I learnt from the course because it is a value I try to hold deeply in all other areas of my life, and now something I can bring forward with me and apply to teaching english. I believe that teaching others not only has to do with the amount of intelligence, skills, or experience you have gained, but at the end of the day truly wanting to help someone else learn. By having positive personality traits (kindness, patience etc.), using simple basic communicative and physical actions (eye contact, gestures, voice etc.), and fully being present with your mind and body while teaching (making lessons interesting, putting your heart into teaching etc.) you will have a far greater effect as a teacher on your students.