Teach English in Dingyuanzhai Zhen - Liaocheng Shi

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As a teacher, we face many challenges in our work environment. It varies from workplace to workplace. However, the common problem all teachers will face at some point in time will be discipline or lack thereof. Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect is not easy and requires constant attention. It’s important to know when, how, and why to apply discipline in the classroom. The following will discuss discipline through my own experience with younger children, as well as strategies that I apply on a daily basis. Many teachers prefer a controlled environment when teaching students. To allow for a controlled environment, teachers enforce a set of rules that are discussed at the beginning of class, however, this can be a double-edged sword. If the learning environment feels overbearing or too strict, participation and willingness will diminish in the classroom. One instance where you may need to apply some disciplinary measures in the class, will be after an activity, where you need to concentrate the student’s attention onto yourself. Another situation may be, where some students may be bothering other students and that creates rowdy behavior. Discipline can also be applied to create a sense of responsibility; for example, when students are not completing homework assignments or classwork, we can create some form of negative or positive consequences. Knowing when to apply discipline is just one part of the puzzle. The issue is knowing how to apply this without becoming a villainous entity in the classroom. The key to a successful application of discipline is respect. Never belittle anyone or bring a form shame onto their character. As mentioned previously, one issue all teachers face in the classroom, is gathering the student’s attention after an activity. One strategy I use is establishing command phrases. When using these, I elevate my voice above theirs. I do not yell. I gradually increase the volume of my voice and say, “OK everyone. Look and listen please!” I establish ‘look and listen’ as a command that they are familiar with and they automatically know it’s time to pay attention. When dealing with rowdy students, changing the seating arrangements is a good way to discourage this kind of behavior. If this continues, I would place the student near me, and give them the task of my assistant. Once the student has settled down, I place him or her back in their seat. One last common issue teachers face, is lack of responsibility outside of the classroom. Many students do not complete their assignments at home. Creating a prize system, such as stars on the white board is a good way to promote a sense of accountability. After a certain number of stars, they can get a sticker or whatever prize you deem acceptable. Lastly, why is discipline important in the classroom? Discipline will allow for a proper learning environment, which in turn, will help the students to flourish inside the classroom. Proper discipline shows the students boundaries and respect for others. Students will also know about social cues, and apply good behavior outside of the classroom as well. With a good structure, built on respect, the teacher will provide the students with a plethora of knowledge that is applicable in their everyday life. All in all, we can agree on the importance of discipline in the classroom. We must be mindful on when and how to use it. Providing the students with a proper learning environment should be the driving force behind the disciplinary measures. Discipline is a deterrent, but it should also be a positive reinforcement. Through time and a practice, the teacher will find the balance that is needed. Knowing the student’s needs and wants will ease the creation of the ideal learning atmosphere.