Teach English in Caozhuang Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Caozhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Motivation is the force that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Inside the classroom, the role of the teachers is to build confidence in students that will enable them to perform to their highest potential. The functionality of motivation is to create action within students by cultivating an inner belief inside themselves that will strengthen their innate academic abilities. However, there are certain factors that can make motivation difficult to create inside the classroom. Students have to face an array of obstacles that tends to make motivation a daily necessity. For example, students have to deal with external stress that can cause anxiety and overthink. Teachers can build student autonomy by creating a threat-free environment, creating interactive lessons, and creating enthusiasm inside the classroom. The importance of building student autonomy is creating a safe learning environment where students have the capability to thrive academically. The primary way in which a teacher can foster a safe learning environment is to focus on the culture of the classroom. Culture is based on thoughts that lead to behavior. The culture of the classroom has to be based on students not feeling threatened and where they can just focus on learning. How the teacher behaves and reacts to frustration and negativity sets the tone of how the students will embrace the culture and sustain its presence. Furthermore, establishing a safe classroom environment has to be characterized by physical, emotional, and intellectual security for your students. The teacher's primary concern is to respect the needs of the students and provide an environment where those needs are being met and nourished. Creating an interactive learning environment is essential in building student autonomy. Teachers who focus on interactive learning will foster active engagement in their students and create accountability within student learning. As the teacher, your primary responsibility is to facilitate learning objective and have the students do the high lifting of the lesson. For example, the interactive teaching sessions, the students can solve a problem in groups. This further makes the process more fun-filled when students get to complete a work along with their friends, or classmates. It also helps make their bond stronger building autonomy. When you create hands-on activities that are interactive students will practice developing critical thinking skills. Furthermore, interactive teaching helps students control their learning process by enabling them to be independent thinkers and use their creativity inside the classroom. This style of teaching will also adaptable and flexible to students with different backgrounds and abilities The last method you can use to build student autonomy is having enthusiasm in the classroom. The teacher has to be the exemplary model of the qualities and characteristics that students need to have to be successful. The enthusiastic teacher needs to be passionate, energetic and motivating to spark the curiosity of their students. The passion of the teacher will translate to the students and drive their willingness to learn and be engaged in the lesson. Furthermore, the energy of a classroom will determine if students are bored or if they are active participants pushing the lesson forward. Lastly, a teacher’s ability to motivate their students can challenge them to mastery and cultivate their innate potential. In conclusion, an enthusiastic teacher creates an academic atmosphere that is energetic and where student autonomy can thrive.  Teachers can build student autonomy by creating a threat-free environment, creating interactive lessons, and creating enthusiasm inside the classroom. Cultivating student confidence is the primary goal of any teacher. Once you teach a student how to look within themselves to find solutions, you have equipped them with skills that they will use in life. The goal of education should be to establish the character of an individual and not just regurgitating information. Teachers who can nourish this identity within their students are vital to the profession and help strengthen our communities every day.