Teach English in Changcheng Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Changcheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching English is not an easy task. Not only do you have to think about and teach the structure of the English language and grammar, but it is also necessary to make sure that students are aware of the difference between “proper English” and English that is spoken day to day between native speakers. They must learn how to read, write, listen, and speak in a new language. It can all be so overwhelming to a non-native speaker. So where do you start? And what are the best techniques to get the most out of a beginner’s language learning experience? Establish Rapport Students need to feel comfortable with the teacher and their classmates in order to feel comfortable speaking and experimenting with the language. A positive relationship can give students the encouragement to experiment and make mistakes and not feel intimidated. A good way to establish rapport with students is to have some type of get to know me game during the first day of class. One example of how you could do this is by playing a pass the ball game. You, the teacher, can pass a ball to a student and ask them a question about themselves. After the student responds, they can then pass the ball to another student and ask them a question about themselves and so on. This is a great way to get both the teacher and the students involved and engaged with learning about one another. Focus on Their Needs There are different levels and types of beginner students and no student is alike. Find out what their strengths and weakness are with the English language. It may be that they are a complete beginner and know nothing about the language. Maybe they have learned some or been exposed to some parts of the English language before but do not remember much. Strengths and weaknesses also vary depending on the age level. Adult learners tend to have a higher motivation as it was their decision to learn English. However, they can be a little slower at picking up the language. Meanwhile, young learners may not have as high of a motivation since it is typically not their choice to learn (it is more than likely a decision of an adult in their life), but they are like sponges and are much quicker at picking up the language. This is because they tend to learn it in the way that they learned their primary language which is by listening and observing rather than comparing it to their native language or translating. Even if all the beginner students start at the same ability level it will not like stay that way throughout the lessons. There will be students that will understand and pick up the language faster than some of their classmates. In situations like this it is good the have the stronger students do different tasks that are more equal to their abilities so that they don’t get bored. It is also helpful to pair them with a weaker student as to help the weaker student progress a little further. Avoid Speaking in Their Native Language This is something that you’d want to avoid as much as possible especially with young beginner students. You, as the teacher, must encourage the students to use as much of the English that they know as they can. Even if they use incorrect grammar or make other types of mistakes it is important that they are using the language and trying to communicate. If they are aware and know that you have on understanding of their language they may try to revert back to their native tongue because they know that you understand! Be Patient, Clear, and Concise Beginner students do not have much vocabulary or knowledge of the English language. One of the most important things you can do is be patient with them when they are trying to understand a concept or learn new words, phrases, grammar, and pronunciation. Try not to over correct them and instead let them get comfortable with communicating the language. Repeat words if necessary. Let them hear how a native speaker pronounces certain words and phrases. Be clear when giving instructions and if they don’t understand, don’t confuse them even more by over explaining. Try using visual aids. They are great for beginners because they can relate words and actions to the images. Overall, be adaptable and cater lessons to the student’s abilities. Teaching English to beginner students can be daunting but with the right steps and the right tools it can be a rewarding and fun experience. By creating a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, students will be encouraged to learn, put their best foot forward, and achieve the best results.