Teach English in Cuijiayu Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Cuijiayu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The question I've heard from kids in the classroom the most was, "Teacher, why do we have to learn English? And where do we use it for?" At first, I was embarrassed to be asked the question, because I didn't either know why so many people need to learn English, even when they're still little. It's almost same as we're never told the reason why we go to school when we turned seven. The reason why kids were asking me this question and the problem of this question could be, that their parents didn't let them know why, until they're enough gotten about the necessity of learning English. So since I've first asked to answer this question, I've been thinking a lot for answering this question with better knowledge and so that kids can understand of them being in the classroom and being encouraged with what they're working on, and also so that their time is worth spending. Learning English is not easy especially for Asian kids, since Asian languages normally have totally different grammar systems and even they use different letter from alphabet. Unlike with the time kids learn their mother tongue language, they need to put effort to get a sense of what English is about from scratch - how the letters are written, the sounds, pronunciation, intonation, and even, the better we get English, learners need to change the way of thinking when speaking English, because that's what the language is about. Regarding all these process, it's not easy for (especially) kids to understand why they have to learn English. It will be easier to learn English if they are able to be benefited environmentally, such as having an experience of living in English speaking country, then they will be able to be surrounded by the language all the time and also could practice it in every situation in a day. But since we're not all blessed to go abroad for learning English, if I have a chance, I'll let kids know that they're spending their time in something worth spending. I believe, there is only one utmost reason for learning English - that is to expand our opportunity for our lives. I'm sure that in this century, we can do and experience so many things with highly-developed technology not by going abroad but by being just with computer and Internet. So it has gotten easier for everyone to be connected to farther part of world from where they are. But at the same time, that also means that we need to be prepared to get all the sources and information to get what we need. For that, getting rid of language barrier, which enables to communicate with wide range of people, is essential. Simply that is because that allows us to an easier access to the information, and will give us wider and maybe infinite possibility of experimenting our ability. If possible, I want to let kids know that they need to study about as many countries in this world as they could, because there are so many things for them to discover, as the world is so large, and I don't want their ability to be stuck in just a classroom. Since my country is relying on a lot on exporting and importing, it is important that people in my country know about other countries and let other country know about us. And in the center of all this idea, is there the importance of mean of communication - which would be English. English is the officially world's common language, and I believe, where English is widely spoken, there are much more chance for people to widen and use their ability. Therefore by learning English, we could get an ability to communicate with people from different countries, so it will lead us to the place where they're more connected by exchanging different idea, and I believe, that will make this world a better place by benefiting people each other. There are so many problems in this world now, and the key to solve these problems is to cooperate each other and make things worked in the fastest, and efficient way. The earlier we learn English, I believe the easier and faster we could reach to the point where we could find and prevent the things that we should break through. We need to see the bigger picture now, and I'm willing to let kids know that they're potential for doing greater things. So I'll always make sure that English is never difficult to learn as long as they're aware of the reason why it's needed for them and as long as they want it, and it's worth learning and investing their time for it, because it's one of the most useful skill for them to have for their life.