Teach English in Jiehekou Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiehekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Why Business English? After making the decision to pursue a TEFL certification, one can’t help but notice there are many options which are available to potential TEFL trainees. Business English just happened to be one of the supplementary courses offered alongside some of the many TEFL courses available on line. Which brings up an interesting question, Why Business English? Curiosity being what it is, the trainee can quickly find satisfaction with an extensive on line search for information in regards to this question. And with very little effort one quickly learns there has been a growing worldwide interest in Business English. English has become the language of business, having deep roots in the internet, research, medicine, insurance, e-commerce, finance and banking, just to name a few areas. Although the non-native English student might be reasonably fluent after studying general English, perhaps they can even carry on a conversation with English speaking friends, communicate while on a vacation to Disney World, order food from the restaurants and shop in an English speaking countries, but they will most likely find it very difficult to negotiate a sale, communicate with clients or comment with their peers in the business world. Because in business you could have a really great idea but it is important to be able to communicate your ideas to your clients by means of speech or presentation and not being able to do so could create big problems or even the loss of sales. After all isn’t the goal for students of Business English is the ability to conduct business with English speaking companies and clients? Just being able to communicate is not enough just by itself, today’s business person needs to be very clear in their communication and extremely accurate. There should be no room left for misinterpretation. Mistakes can be very costly in both loss of capital and in your client’s confidence in doing business with your company. So by doing this search the trainee quickly becomes more aware of how exactly how beneficial Business English is but the student who has recently finished a course in general English might also ask the question, Why Business English? In a Business English class the student will find the course to be more of a practical application of English where there is a different approach to how English is used. The type of language which they might learn could be used in telephoning, introductions, negotiating, and presentation. Then there are various reasons for a student to consider enrolling in a Business English class. Perhaps they are interested in pursuing a new career, or their employer is offering the class and a promotion for all that complete the class. There are also salespeople wanting to market their company’s products into new markets in English speaking countries. Whatever the reason might be, a Business English class has much to offer the interested student. So in answering the question we quickly realize the values for both our students and for the opportunities it opens up for us when Teaching English as a Foreign Language.