Teach English in Kangcheng Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Kangcheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The BEST Thing I have learned from my TEFL/TESOL Course is … how important a Teacher’s attitude is when teaching a class. It was through reading and watching the two video’s from course module UNIT 10- Video Lesson that I learn’t the importance of a teacher’s attitude and how it ultimately impacts the learning of the students in the classroom. While watching this lesson I took down some notes of why I thought students might find the lesson difficult in ‘ESA demonstration class 1’, particularly focusing on things such as the teacher’s attitude, manner and teaching style. It was through the teachers small behaviour such as the teacher arriving late for class, losing his cool with the students and patronising their lack of knowledge that made me realise how that can taint each individual negatively in their ESL learning journey. Repeating the question even though students weren’t understanding it was a common carelessness on the teacher’s behalf and lack of effort to truly hep the students learn and understand. I put myself in the shoes of the students and felt urged and intimated by the teacher. I wouldn't want to participate in a lesson in which the content was confusing and the teacher was intimidating. In saying this, I noted down a few things a teacher should never do in a classroom environment such as address a student in front of the group so as to cause embarrassment and lack of respect from the student/teacher, stand over a student’s shoulder as they are doing an exercise or completing a task and check my phone in front of them. After that I watched the next video, ‘ESA demonstration class 2’. It was through the teachers positive attitude and encouragement that the student’s participation was high and they were able to learn. The teacher often smiled and encourage students, went through drill activities a few times with the group and then individually, which helped raise the spirits of the classroom. Making a few jokes with the students and building a rapport by coming to class early and asking simple ‘getting to know you’ questions changes the atmosphere from fear of learning something new to excitement and trust in a teacher to guide. I will definitely take a few things into account such as ; arriving to class early, having material prepared, smiling and keeping calm and being available to offer advice/ support. I also realised how Important is to to not only just do the course material but to have fun while teaching. Whether that be through games, discussion or alternating topics/lesson material. I will incorporate GAMES into my lesson plans daily whether it be simple games like hangman or role-play to encourage a sense of fun and learning. As children we take for advantage just how useful games are in developing skills. I believe that as a teacher that they also help build a safe and friendly space for children to grow. I look forward to incorporating all these learnt lessons into my lesson plans and behaviour.