Teach English in Yangjiazhuang Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangjiazhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Throughout my experience, teaching individual and groups can be both highly challenging and quite demanding in terms of many particular aspects. There are certainly a lot of advantages and disadvantages one and the other. Though in my opinion and in my own experience teaching one to one, the student will have full attention of the instructor which gives more time and chance to engage or involve in conversation in English particularly and a well understanding of the student’s needs. The student has more opportunities to communicate with the teacher whatever the learner wishes to talk or ask questions, to practice without having to worry about making mistakes grammatically and this is one of the most important advantages on teaching one to one, for the students to be able to practice with the teacher. The timing and structure has more flexibility for both teacher and students. Finally, teaching individual, the teacher easily adapts to the level of knowledge and the rhythm of evolution in acquiring the new knowledge. Student can then become a better learner. Meanwhile, one to one is more demanding. The expectations regarding results are also put in a higher standard. On the other hand, the teaching can be more monotonous, hence less exciting and less different points of view emerged and it will be conducive to a more vertical relation to a student up to down. so less horizontal and less participative, less conducive to input in the students reasoning and foundation. It is less prone and elasticity in their brains to think by their own. Teaching groups is obviously more challenging than one to one. Teaching groups per se, you can expect that not all are engaged and not all are paying attention while in class. A teacher must be patient enough to handle different behaviours of the students and must know how to deal with many problems such as disruptive behaviours, lack of confidence of the students that can certainly affect their motivation in class teacher may encounter, et cetera. All the disadvantages that you put in one on one depending on the number of the students and the levels. The class maybe more disorganised and more difficult to fulfil the established program. The levels of concentration may drop especially, students might engage into a conversation among them. In group class, most probably the teacher will be faced with students presenting different level of knowledge as well as different rhythm on evolving a knowledge. In spite of all the challenges the teacher may absolutely encounter getting through to group class is not one of the easiest responsibility but it can be incredibly gratifying. Learners need encouragement and to feel involved in their study. It is quite important that they will find stimulating and to know their lack of confidence as most of students have insecurity issues, mostly from teen students. They need a different approach to learning a particular language. Like I mentioned before, for me in my own experience teaching individual is much more easier to handle, the flexibility, manner of teaching and the relationship with the student cannot compare from teaching group class, though it is quite demanding. That is just my point of view. I teach big groups too and I don't mind teaching big class, especially young learners as I am patient enough to handle whatever behaviour a student I may encounter. Especially after deciding to take up the TEFL course. It taught me how to become a better teacher. Thank you TEFL!