Teach English in Puji Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Puji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Doing new things is hard. This can be described as the ultimate understatement, but it rings so true. The fear of failure and disappointment and knowing that what you do as a teacher will impact others can be enough pressure to stop anyone from even trying to become a teacher. So how can this anxiety be overcome? What basic skills can be implemented and how can you become an effective teacher even though you still have doubts about your abilities? The number one thing to do is prepare and know your lessons. You might not know exactly what you are going to say or how you are going to say it, but if you have read over all of your material and gathered all of your resources together, you will have a huge advantage. Comprehension is an invaluable skill to have as a teacher. Knowing and understanding the lesson yourself will enable you to answer any questions your students have and will in turn give you confidence to proceed through the lecture. The second step is to make a rough outline of what the day’s course will look like. Being able to write down and follow a plan is a skill that will help you as the teacher to stay focused and less inclined to go off on tangents. Being able to look at each point of your reference will help guide you back on task even in the event you become nervous. Since you already know and understand the context of your lesson and paperwork, you will also know if you can realistically get through all of your goals for that day, or if you have to spread it out over several days. Developing this skill of writing down what you plan to do will push you to become a more efficient teacher. Another crucial skill to have as a teacher is empathy. It is important to remember that not only might you be nervous or even scared about teaching, but your students are also likely apprehensive. You both are coming into a new situation where the outcome is not entirely certain. As you are reading through your lessons and composing your outline for the day, it is imperative to put yourself in your students’ shoes. If you can empathize with their situation, you will better understand any frustrations they may have and will be able to address them effectively. Being empathetic will also allow you to develop a relationship with your students, which in turn will make both parties more willing to put forth effort in the learning process. These skills are incredibly beneficial, especially to those who have never taught before now. You are not going to know everything, and that is ok. Do not be afraid to try. Read over the course work and have printouts of your resources so they may be referenced if needed. Make a list or rough draft of what you want to accomplish in the classroom for the day so you will never get lost. Keep your students in mind as the lesson is coming together. This may not seem world-changing, but simple skills are the building blocks we use to become not only better professionals, but better people.