Teach English in Tumen Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tumen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I have found that the role of a teacher is equally as important as the role of a mother , ‘as the saying goes teach a woman, you teach a nation. The mother is the first teacher of all things good and bad after the initial stage of learning from your mother you enter the next stage of your life. The stage that you spend majority of your life making friends and discovering new things that you were not exposed to at home. The role that your early learning teacher plays is very important this forms the base of your life after your mother. What you learn as a young child develops you into the adult that you become. Your teacher doesn’t just teach you in the classroom , your teacher teaches you on the playground as well as the home when you receive home work or when you apply things you have learnt at school. We learn behaviors at school from our teachers , we also learn about baic social behaviors like not to lie cheat or steal which is a confirmation of what we have learnt at home, our teachers are just reinforcing this into our nature. The role of a teacher is not just to teach but to create an environment that is conducive to learning based on our ability’s whether we have learning disabilities or not. The teacher should be able to make learning fun and comfortable for the students. Activities should be used in the classroom to develop young minds People often place so little value on the role of a teacher but it’s time we realize that they are the foundation of our culture. Teaching didn’t end in the classroom it is a lifelong ability and has a ripple effect. Learning does not end in the classroom , learning is a lifetime practice we use every day of our lives and we should never stop learning. The methods of teaching has changed so much over that last few decades that we as adults have so much to learn , students in China and Singapore are using iPads in their daily work as work books to do assignments and to do their work. This helps the environment by saving paper. Time consuming assignments are now done at record speeed. Students have time to do other things. Technology has advanced so much that you don’t actually need to be in class to learn or be given any assignments,Students and teachers have now been able to communicate using cell phones which make asking a question easier as opposed to waiting to have a one on one. It makes the teachers more available. Google and Wikipedia has made information more easily attainable all of this can be done at the drop of a hat. Students don’t have to take texts books word for it they can cross reference and check all facts against what is being said in class. Homework can be emailed. Marks can be acquired online, the role of a teacher can be online and this is the new norm. The teacher can have one on one sessions with students. Learning has become more innovative, there are videos of teachers teaching on television, this is the level of dedication of teachers that we should have it shouldn’t end in the classroom it should continue to the playground and the home and our online friends . Knowledge is power and we should be spreading this knowledge all over the world .