Teach English in Shuozhou Shi Kaifaqu Guanweihui [Shuozhou Development Zone] - Shuozhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shuozhou Shi Kaifaqu Guanweihui [Shuozhou Development Zone]? Are you interested in teaching English in Shuozhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The foundation of learning “Teaching English as a Foreign Language” or TEFL course can be made in either online or onsite. By online, it is a web-based learning whereas onsite is the traditional classroom-based learning. Both platforms are good resource of learning but in different ways; both facilitate an interactive communication circulated in different channels; and both provides a profound background of theories and practical knowledge in becoming an excellent TEFL teacher; but regardless of the route you take, the requirements are basic to obtain the course certification and the fundamental knowledge to gain can be achieved. However, there are variations in teaching measures, learner’s preferences and studying habits that warrant the comparative characteristics. Online learning is affordable and gives you the flexibility and convenience to finish the course material over a period of time. It is dedicated to fit every individuals’ busy schedules like students who work additional jobs and working adults who have family obligations that cannot attend regular classes. It is designed to achieve everyone’s educational goal and put education within their reach. On the contrary, onsite learning has lesser flexibility. It requires a body visible in a classroom setting thus class time and attendance are not negotiable. Despite the convenience and affordability of the online course, there are instances that the campus learning is a viable solution. It could be a higher cost upfront depending on the course length and standard but would compensate more when you landed a job abroad. Participation is one of those key factors when it comes to choosing between an online TEFL course or an onsite TEFL course. Both classes assess student participation. Students voluntarily participate in a classroom discussion typically a small group sessions, question and answer segments, lectures and examination where collaboration between the teacher and the students is manifested. This learning process creates a different dynamic where you overcome stage fright or public speaking and gain valuable teaching experience in front of the class. In online courses, participation is a must, and it is usually channeled through written discussions via discussion boards, community forums, chat rooms and other online discussion to build the camaraderie. This is to establish the sense of online community that will help students feel connected and be true to themselves, so they can share and asks questions. Assignment and tests is another criterion that attest to both online and onsite classes productivity. Every type of assessment is differing between online teachers who design assignments through open books and student contributions in forums and discussions whereas the onsite is based off written examination and presentation. Overall, the performance between the two platforms is dependent to the student studying style. It plays a vital role in each of the platforms. Students who is self-sufficient, has good organizational skills, independent and apt to face-to-face interaction will thrive for an online learning while those who rely for instructions and direction may excel in an onsite setting. Whatever choices you made, the bottom line is getting TEFL certified. It is a well-dignified qualification and a life changing experience that will significantly impact your life across the world.