Teach English in Wujiayao Zhen - Shuozhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wujiayao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shuozhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To have the ability to step outside the four walls of the classroom and step into the outdoor world to teach English would be a leap into developing the skills in the education of the language. To be able to walk the streets of your students and be able to express in English to them the objects and activities they encounter on a daily basis would be wonderful. Teaching them the everyday words that apply to their everyday life, how much easier to encourage motivation and for them to grasp meanings. The rapport you could build through the likes and dislikes as well as the similarities of lifestyles the students might share I feel would be incredible. A simple trip to the grocery store would elicit all kinds of reactions from their favorite foods to the ones they find most atrocious. One could work with a multitude of products and using the most simple of descriptive words of big/small and the basic colors all the way up to more detailed adjectives of shapes and textures. Also allowing each student to express their opinions and add to the descriptive telling of the object eliciting more English vocabulary. A walk in the park can bring about discussions of the types of animals spotted or the color and texture of the grasses and flowers or the size of the trees. Or with a trip to the zoo you may discuss from where the animals themselves had come from and what that country may be like. As both are a perfect place to people watch there would be plenty of opportunities to guess or make up stories of perhaps their occupations or if they have families; what kind of children, how many, aunts or uncles, things that are relevant and appropriate to themselves. A stop for lunch or dinner would definitely be on the agenda for it is here the students could learn the aspects of reading a menu, discerning prices and how to converse with someone taking an order. A chance to communicate in the English vocabulary associated to the etiquette and politeness of a restaurant situation. Taking in a sporting event, what better place to definitely provide subject matter for expressing and describing activity. In watching all the activity presented at such events there would be ample situations for the use of adjectives and adverbs in speaking of the players and their actions. Perhaps a student themselves play the sport and can offer an insiders viewpoint and again create motivation in the process of learning to speak fluently not only for themselves but to the other students so to be able to better understand their friend. The extra benefit to having a multilingual class is the diversity of personalities and what better place to discover diversity than a museum. Not only does the museum generally offer articles from many destinations but also from different time periods and the perspective of life during that period can be a cause of conversation from the similarities and changes of times past. With art also comes opinions of likes and dislikes, colors and techniques, thoughts of the artists motivation, all good points to help individual expressiveness of language. Even if it be a monolingual class it is certainly a great place to discover items of conversation. Maybe taking a tour of a house or apartment so they may understand what they may need to look for and how and who to discuss such matters with so that they can be sure to have the knowledge and fluency of English communication for proper lodging if/when that time should arise in their lives. The same could apply with a visit to an auto sales business for it is something a person will generally encounter and usually excited about whether it be that fast sleek sports car or the modest family type it would be both helpful and motivational for the students to learn and understand English for making such purchases. Perhaps even a tour of a newspaper or magazine so that the students may better comprehend where their news comes from and how important the written word is in the scheme of worldly knowledge and communication. While classroom curriculum, activities, games, tapes,videos, and other lesson materials with proper teaching techniques are no doubt effective and proven in the field of learning be it for pleasure or for business purposes I feel that on-hand experience works best and is the most indelible way to acquire information. The other aspect of these outdoor activities is allowing the students to interact socially with people which would be an incredible benefit not available within a classroom. It is mostly due to the concern or intent of the students reason for learning the language that requires how best to navigate an outing. And the teachers greatest concern is in offering the most appropriate action to accommodate the education of the student.