Teach English in Zhaojin Zhen - Tongchuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhaojin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tongchuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Materials can be defined as “anything we bring with us to the classroom to aid the teaching process” (ITTT CTEYL Unit 4, pg 3). When it comes to materials, there are two types available for English teaching. These include authentic and non-authentic materials. Authentic materials are materials which have been produced for real life purposes rather than for the classroom. Non-authentic materials on the other hand are produced for the specific purpose of being an aid to teaching English. These are often produced either by an educational company or an individual teacher. There are advantages and disadvantages of using authentic and non-authentic materials. When using authentic materials, they are real materials which means the students have realistic examples from English speaking countries. They are also less predictable and more interesting than non-authentic teaching materials. The types of materials we use or create depend on what level or stage our students are at. Book resources for example can include course books. These usually consist of materials like: - Students books for classroom usage - Workbooks for use by individuals and supplementary work like homework - Cassettes or CDs that can be used both in the classroom or at home - Teacher’s book which gives a useful step-by-step guide on how to teach the material contained in the student’s book (Note: these often contain progress tests) - Videos that act to reinforce the material in student’s books - Other materials such as reading books that are graded for certain levels, test books, learner dictionaries, vocabulary flash cards, etc. There are many advantages and disadvantages for using course books. Often their usage is expected by students and whilst some materials may not be that useful for a class, it is often much easier and saves more time to supplement a course book with other materials rather than creating them all from scratch. The syllabus in course books is also graded and contains a good mix of vocabulary, grammar and skills. It also offer continuity and progression that is easy to see. The internet is another useful tool available. It allows you to find your own materials for use in the classroom and you can direct students to particular websites they might find useful. There are also many sources for useful activities on the internet. Songs, chants and music can be used for many learning possibilities for a range of ages when teaching English. It is a particularly useful memorisation technique for younger learners and also provides a lot of fun in the classroom which aids a better learning environment. Whilst older student may be less inclined to participate in singing, there are often many popular pop songs that you can use in your activities. There are also many games you can play in the classroom. These can be adapted from traditional games like hangman, monopoly, battleship, Pictionary, trivial pursuit, etc. Often students are familiar with these games and they provide an more interactive and fun way to learn or memorize new content. Stories can also provide many benefits. Reading existing stories, writing new stories, etc. are some of the ways these can be utilised. These often help students with their reading and writing skills and depending on how you use them they can also be used for listening and speaking. They are an easy way to improve grammar and build up new vocabulary. Arts and crafts is another fun way students can learn English. Students can use drawings, colourings, etc. to create relevant vocabulary and explain what they see using English. For younger learners, drama and movement can also be useful to describe verbs. An example activity is Simon says. This allows students to practice their verbs and listening skills. There are many useful authentic and non-authentic materials listed above that teachers can use in the classroom to help students better understand and to create a fun learning environment in which students are excited to engage and participate in.