Teach English in Baichihe Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baichihe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As we all know, language is made up of sentences and sentences are made up of words. When I think about my experiences in learning languages, except my mother tongue, or recall memories from my classmates, I clearly find that in the beginning of learning, knowing even a few words gave us confidence to communicate. We tried to convey our meanings to others with that few words we knew. This is the case for students as well. Beginners communicate with words they know. The learners with a moderate level of language use words in sentences to show their ability of communication, and those with advanced level of language, using different vocabulary and upgrade the quality of their conversation. Although learning language is not limited by words, learning vocabulary is an important part of language learning, knowing vocabulary enhances students' confidence in learning other parts of the language and leads to learning language progresses in students. During the years of my teaching, I often saw that students who used words and made even wrong sentences, tried to talk about their favorite subjects. When they discovered that the teacher or their classmates are understood their meaning, they were more motivated to learn the rules and correct structure of the sentence and try to correct their sentences grammatically. And vice versa, I had an experience when I was learning the third language in my adulthood. I knew the grammar of that language perfectly, I knew where the place of the verb and the subject were, how different tenses of verbs were made, or how the structure of the sentence would change when the conjunction entered the sentence, but when I began the conversation, I did not know some vocabulary I needed on that time, or I forgot some of them or I used them with a wrong pronunciation. This limitation in the use of vocabulary led to miscommunication. I could not say what I meant and I was embarrassed. This led me to avoid long conversations as often as possible, even if the topic was was my favorite. I learned a lot from this experience and tried to make my students have different language experiences than mine. I taught them some related vocabulary about each topic we wanted to discuss, and encouraged them to use words in their conversations. I taught them that they don't need to be perfect during conversations. Students started to speak little by little. We repeated the words in different subjects and in interesting ways and regarding to the language level of the students. It was just as important for them that they could speak. These experiences gave them an incentive to progress and enthusiasm for learning. They did not think about how they were talking, they thought about that they can talk and they wanted to talk more and better. The words have power, No matter in which language. Teaching them to students is not only important because they make student capable to speak, but also make student capable to show their emotions and thoughts to others, to tell their needs, to ask for help, to understand the feelings and thoughts of others. The words are ways to communicate and mutual understanding. In other words, we can express ourselves by the use of vocabulary. Psychologically, humans feel alive by expressing their thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Therefore, teaching vocabulary at each level of language is essential. Showing students the importance of learning vocabulary and using motivational methods to teach them are depended on the knowledge, experience and creativity of the teachers.