Teach English in Heguan Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Heguan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The structure of a class is formed primarily based off of the teacher’s personality and characteristics that influence the preferences to certain methods of teaching. There are numerous strategies of teaching that each have their own merits and faults. What methods are effective will depend upon the teacher’s ability to apply these methods as well as the student’s language level and their learning habits. The grammar translation method is, as can be determined from the name, roughly translation where students find equivalents between their native language and the English language. This method is most commonly known however it is not on its own effective in teaching a new language as it prevents students from developing a natural understanding and fluency thereof. I do not believe this method to be effective as it would only lead to students learning about the language rather than the language itself. Audio Lingualism is more focused on habit formation and repetition. Drills are the mark of this method and it can be effective when teaching students pronunciation, tone, intonation and pitch. This method would aid in teaching students the practical use of the language in everyday situations. It is not alone effective in teaching as it is a method that enforces habit instead of understanding which is controversial, as learning is seen as more than mere repetition and habit formation. Students would process the language better through acquired knowledge and understanding rather than ‘parroting’ what is given to them. Presentation, Practice and Production method is one where the teacher presents the new language in context and situation followed by explanation and demonstration, the students then practice with the new language in a controlled manner under the teacher’s supervision. After controlled practice students would then be allowed to use the newly learned language more freely and creatively. Though this method would not be as efficient with students of a higher level, it is still useful for a lower level class. Starting off with controlled exposure to the new language and as the lesson progresses the students are gradually left to use the new language in a way they feel comfortable with, this will make them more inclined to use the language interactively. When using this method it is important for the teacher to keep in mind that it is easy for the lesson to become too teacher centered and would then take away the students’ freedom of creative language usage. Lessons where students focus more on completion of the task rather than the language itself is known as Task Based Learning. The lesson is centered on interaction among students rather than accuracy of language. Correction when using this method is minimum to none and language structures are only addressed if absolutely necessary and if any language problems may have occurred during the lesson. This method could aid in making students more comfortable with using what language they already know and gives them the opportunity to practice their language, all the while creating an atmosphere of familiarity that would make students feel more at ease in the classroom. It would not be a suitable method on its own as it provides little room for introducing new language, combining it with another method or using this method for revision work would be best suited. Communicative Language Teaching places emphasis on language functions. Students learn the language through stimulation and develop an understanding naturally through exposure. This alone, of course, would not cover all the necessary grounds in order to effectively teach all aspects of the English language, but giving students a stimulating environment to work in will only be beneficial for their learning process as they are ushered into using the language as they would with their native language in ordinary situations. Allowing students to determine a topic of conversation, leaving them to discuss it amongst themselves with as little interference from the teacher as possible ensures that lessons remain more student centered. Community Language Learning enables the teacher to observe his/her students and identify strengths and weaknesses that will aid in the planning of future lessons. It gives students the opportunity to express themselves in the English language, developing their fluency as well as accuracy. The Silent Way is a unique method of teaching that is different from other methods in the sense that the teacher hardly speaks at all and leaves students to discover the language for themselves. It can yield both good and bad results. Students who are independent would thrive in exploring the language with the teacher only being a source of information. Other students may be less inclined to learning on their own and would feel more comfortable having the teacher actively present in the learning process. Suggestopaedia relies on the teacher having a parent-children relationship with his/her students. It creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere in the classroom which will lessen tension and anxiety among students, producing an optimum state for learning. Another method, the Lexical Approach, gives more attention to teaching words and phrases in place of grammatical structure in the belief that phrases are better building blocks for language learning. Teaching style is variable and unique to each individual. How I will manage and teach a class shall be determined by my personal preference and the needs of my students. Regardless of what teaching methods I may favour, I would ensure to avoid monotony and make use of the various methods mentioned above to create a balance between controlled learning and creative interaction. I understand the importance of keeping students engaged and motivated throughout the course and maintaining a proper lesson structure as well as organized planning beforehand. Each method will have its faults, but methods can be combined in such a way that each method’s benefit counteracts another’s weak point. Whatever methods teachers use, what is most important to keep in mind is that students, as individuals, have different learning habits and lessons need be altered to suit the needs of every student.