Teach English in Hualong Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hualong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The importance of English as a Global Language English is commonly known as the International language of the world. Many people speak English around the world. It has been stated that at least one- fourth of the world population speaks English and research has proven that English as a global language is very important for non- native English Speakers. It is known as the language of business as well as science, medicine, engineering as they are taught in English due to the technical terms that cannot always be translated into the language of the country in which it is studied. The fact that English is seen as a global language can be traced back to the 16-17th century and the British Empire. English is also widespread due to other factors such as International politics and globalization. It is a language of unity, which unites the world as there is no barrier of language. A number of factors support the notion that English is a global language. As indicated by David Crystal "A History of the English Language", around 330 to 360 million individuals communicate in English as their first language. The individuals who communicate in English as a second language change from 470 million to more than one billion. The main influence was the leading power of the British and then after the USA. One of the greatest propellers of the English language between the seventeenth and nineteenth century was the past British Empire. The topographical span of the settlements and the worldwide exchange driven by the British prompted the spread of the English language crosswise over landmasses, from South Asia, Asia Pacific, to Africa, the Middle East, and Australia. Interestingly, most previous British provinces, for example, India, British Virgin Islands still utilize English as a language of formal correspondence. After the collapse of the British Empire, The U.S.A had super power in economy, culture and governmental issues, English was the language of communication, and thus English continued to develop as a global language. This perception is supported by the UN and over the EU because English is the favored language at global associations, for example, the United Nations, and particularly amid discretionary trades between political pioneers of nations. English is the official language of the European Union. It is spoken as an unknown dialect in 19 of the 25 EU Member States, despite the fact that it's anything but an official language in these nations. Moreover, due to globalization it is necessary for emails, communication to be in a common language understood by all and the Internet is for the most part English-based, the vast majority of the material on the web is in English and for research purposes, it is very prudent to know English. Different age groups require the use of English and prefer to study the English Language in order to be able to have a conversation and get by on holiday and also for their CV it enhances their chances. In addition, English is the language of many films, books and music, in order to watch to understand means knowledge of the language in order to have a better understanding without subtitles. Without this global language it would be difficult as some languages are not widely known. Furthermore, many believe knowledge of this global language creates better job opportunities for individuals and is good for networking around the world. Those wishing to pursue their academic career prefer to go to English speaking countries and often attend English courses at Educational establishments, language Institutes. It is believed that knowledge of the English language creates greater opportunities. In addition, writing in journals and articles requires knowledge of English. English curriculum schools and Institutes in non- native English Speaking countries are always full. In fact, during the school holidays there is often a waiting list. Parents believe, in order for their children to have a better chance of job opportunities, it is in the child’s interest to learn English. In conclusion, more people are learning this language and English as a language has brought mankind closer. Further, English has become a global language due to it being the language to bridge gaps and being widely spoken and understood in many different places of the world. A number of countries official language is English and many countries speak English as second language. References: