Teach English in Wangfen Zhen - Weifang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wangfen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weifang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The family has a significant role in the development of individuals who adapt to the changing and changing world. When individuals are thought to have received their first education in the family, the importance of family education shows itself. Parents live in a very different period from their children, and because of that, their needs and expectations are different; so their parents have no idea what to do in many subjects. The family is basically the primary institution where children receive their first education after the birth of the child. The effect of a family in children's development is partially reduced with the start of school life. Children spend a large part of the day at school, separate from their parents; so now they see teachers as the authority outside of their parents. It is normal that children to learn different behaviors from school and their parents. It is important to remember that there are many elements that depend on status of the family. On one hand a student who does his/her best in the school but can't receive good grades because the problems in the house stop him/her to be successful. On the other hand a student who does not really do his/her best in the school but still get decent grades because of the help of the family. There are many factors in the life of students that might make students to have bad grades. These problem are family related, such as economical status, the level of help from the family, anger issues, number of people in the family, lack of opportunity, ect. Students have to deal with issues that happens in their house if there is not a teacher who tries to help students to share things. It is very important for teacher to pay attention to students because sometimes actions of students show issues that are happening in their house. It is not hard to have student to share things that are going wrong because teachers should be ready to meet parents based on those issues. It is a must for teachers to have good ties with parents, because parents are part of the education. By saying that, it is important to recognize other elements that have effect on education of students; because, education is not only what we do at the school. Maybe this will sound like out of the case topic, but there are also children with special needs who come from a culturally and linguistically diverse family. It is even a harder challenge for teachers and a challenge for the education system because how families treat their children culturally might be very different than how it is in the US. Even if the child doesn’t have special needs; parents from different cultures treat their kids differently. “…Korean parents have a high sense of responsibility for their children’s education, their efforts are overlooked and unacknowledged by teachers because their support is shown in ways that are different from those familiar to teachers.” (Lee, & Park, 2016, p.594). This shows that families have very big role in development and education of their kids. References Lee, Y.J., Park, H.J., Becoming a parent of a child with special needs: perspectives from Korean mothers living in the United States., (2016)., International Journal of Disability, Development and Education., VOL . 63, NO . 6, 593–607 from;