Teach English in Guandi Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guandi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Business English is the type of English used as business contexts as a global language, it is often used in workplaces, in the office, university etc. Nowadays, most people in the world decided to study Business English as a language skill to face different business and work situations with confidence and efficiency. Business English has two types, type one is English as the first and official language in over fifty-six countries where people do business like the United States, Australia, Britain, etc. Type two is Lingua-franca, it is the most common language spoken everywhere in the world for business between non-native English speakers. It is a basic knowledge of generic business English vocabulary used in all sectors and industries including advertising, accounting, business plans, human resources, social media, networking, public relations, communication strategy, socializing and cultural exchange and more. People be able to use the Business English skill with their colleagues, their boss, their clients, and customers, in their interview time, do speaking exams, their teachers and university professors. Etc. It is industry-specific English unique vocabulary of different business sectors like fashion, hotels, food and beverage, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, financial services and more. The Business English course also requires learners can complete four skills same as any general English course: The two receptive skills of listening and reading, and the two productive skills of speaking and writing. Most people decide to study Business English will be adults and adolescents, learners are able to study by one to one with a teacher at home, study at school and some companies will organize the Business English training for their employees at their workplace. The study schedule of learners most flexible, it usually studies at before or after work. Before learners start to study as the first meeting between learners and teacher in Business English course, the teacher will organize the testing of the capability and the expectations from students through two steps of the process such as the Level Test and the Needs Analysis designed by teacher or school. The level test is trying to ascertain learners level of English proficiency and the need analysis is give the teacher an idea of student’s needs for improvement in which part they want to use in their jobs. For materials that learners be able to refer to a magazine, newspaper,books or on the internet which webliography are related to a business English. Besides, a teacher will design and prepare some materials are suitable to the learner's ability to study. English presentations are an important part of the job. For most of us, it is Presenting our products, services, solutions, and challenges, this is the heart of business communication, where money is often made or lost. In a globalizing business environment, we are increasingly called to give presentations in English. Overall, Business English courses are teaching us about English phrases, idioms, particular vocabulary using in the working environment and universities, it isn't teaching us any business strategies. Since many businesses now operate across international borders, studying this subject allows learners to succeed in global business with multi-lingual communication skills, reading business English allows people to understand business trends and the reasoning behind business practices and class always up-to-date texts supplemental with articles from real-life publications. Take this course will involve in regular presentation and group work, which prepare students for working with others, and they also get an extra advantage by working and sharing ideas with each other.