Teach English in Liuqu Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liuqu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

One of the most important aspects of learning a second language that influences the thoroughness and the speed at which students will adopt it is their motivation. This can differ depending on various factors such as students’ age, final goal that they want to achieve by learning English and so on. Older students usually decide to learn English in order to improve their career, move to another country, and have better communication with important persons in their life who do not speak their mother tongue. Therefore, their persistence and commitment to the time spent learning English will naturally be higher compared to some younger pupils who enrolled English course because that is what their parents wanted. The latter ones will not actively participate in the class, they will not remember much of the information presented and some of them could become disruptive. Since one of teacher’s aims is to make students’ lessons enjoyable so that they could gain their knowledge easily and with interest, lack of motivation is something that a lecturer should try to work on. There are two types of motivation: 1. Intrinsic motivation - This type of motivation is linked to emotion of enthrallment with the subject. Students who are intrinsically motivated could be heard saying: “Learning English interests me.” “I feel great when I learn English.” 2. Extrinsic motivation – This type of motivation is related to parental expectations, test results and similar. Students who are extrinsically motivated may say: “Our teacher will bring us cookies, if we do the test well.” “I need to pass my exam, so that my parents would let me go to the summer camp.” In order to increase motivation in class, a teacher could apply one or more of the following methods: 1. Establish purposeful and considerate relationship with the students – A teacher should get to know each one of his/her students on a personal level. This should come gradually by letting students talk about their interests, hobbies, family life, what inspires them and so on… If a teacher shares this information with students, too, then they will even more willingly participate and open up. This is how a teacher could find possible ways to increase motivation for each student separately. 2. Encouraging students – A teacher should encourage students by being enthusiastic and praising them. Students should feel that what they have achieved so far is important. Once they feel their contribution is valued and appreciated, they will approach learning English with more enthusiasm. 3. Avoid monotony – A teacher should be creative by constantly enriching and modifying structure of the class. They should teach through games and discussions on the topics that would interest students. 4. Draw connections to real life – A teacher should always try to connect what he or she is teaching to where and when this will be useful for students in the future. This way, students will believe that what they are learning is important. 5. Become role model – Teachers whose lectures are delivered energetically and enthusiastically will transfer this passion to their students, as well. References: