Teach English in Xuzhuang Zhen - Weinan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xuzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Weinan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Today there is an increasing diversity not only in schools but also in other business aspects due to the result of globalization which in general dictates that we must develop more understanding of culture in order to exert true understanding among diversity populations which I believe is the base for maintaining a cultural sensitive class. But before I go in details, it vital to understand the true meaning of “Culture, Sensitivity, and Culture sensitivity combined.” Culture can be defined as the social behaviour and norms found in human societies. It is more considered a central concept in anthropology which includes a range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. In simple terms, we can define culture as the way of life certain groups of people live encompassing language, art, religion, rituals, clothing, cooking etc. Now that we understand the meaning of culture, what about being sensitive to culture? Being culture sensitive simply means one’s understanding that culture exists with consideration that there are differences and similarities between groups of people. At this point, try to reflect what culture is, differences and similarities towards a multicultural class, and pose a question, For example: A class of 25 students, where by 5 are from India, 6 are from Japan, 5 are from South Africa 4 are from USA and 5 from Thailand, all these students have different beliefs, religions, dressing codes, music, and eve the pronunciations. if you were a teacher how would you handle such a class? In consideration of today’s globalization point of view, a multicultural class can be very important but the problem arises from how teachers or school administration is going to handle issue of culture within students. However there are many ways through which such a class can be managed among which include the following. 1.Equality: Treat all students equally as much as possible without recognition of some students and neglect of others during class activities. 2.Student Background recognition: In case you happen to discuss one’s background, for example Religion. If you discuss Islam, make sure you also discuss others like Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. 3.Class materials: Make sure you provide enough book about different cultures, even though they are not in class but stocked in the library. 4.Ask students to bring any cultural items or picture to class so that you can discuss them openly, in case you discuss the difference, make sure you also discuss the similarities. This will hell students feel they are the same at a certain point and respect each other. 5.Use cultural pictures, paintings or other art pieces as class decorations: This helps students feel recognized and have a sense of belonging, being welcomed within their hearts. 6.Learning your students: Remember every culture has its own way of doing things, for example, some students write starting from the Right hand side, others from the Left, therefor knowing your students will help you as a teacher make the students realize there goals. 7.Activities that bring cultural recognition: These activities can be asking students to write family stories and share with the class, use of Ball games where by a ball is thrown to a student and that students speaks about his or her culture, then throws the ball to another student and so on, asking students about cultural heritages, learning experiences etc. 8.Establish a positive rapport with each student or cultural group through asking about there culture and letting them what you like about their culture. I experienced this when I was studying in India and teachers would ask about our culture during the one-on-one drilling/ Viva voice, some times group drilling. Other teachers also can use this as a technique not only for establishing rapport but also for studying students needs and aims. Every good thing must also have a bad side, It can also be noted that a teacher will most likely be able to experience some advantages and disadvantages of a multicultural class in the English teaching system among which may include the following: Advantages of Teaching a Multicultural class 1.Helps in creating a critical thinking class. 2.Students have no common language other than English. 3.Both students and teachers get exposure to a variety of experience. 4.Students have more exposure to English language (L2). 5.Promotes acceptance and tolerance among students. 6.Promotes creation of international networks (Globalization). Disadvantages of Teaching a Multicultural class 1.Different backgrounds which makes it difficult to study each individual. 2.Each of these students due to their background, has different needs therefor teachers skip some lessons in order to meed the needs of all students. 3.There can always be a communication problem between teachers and families due to language barriers. 4.Students have no common learning difficulties meaning the teacher has to take time to analyse each students difficulties. For I have enlisted some of the ways in which a teacher can manage a multicultural class, I therefor conclude by saying that multiculturalism can not be taught by the use of course book or text book basing on a particular group, however there are many more ways of dealing with culture differences in class in supplement to what I discussed above and not all teachers can teach a multicultural class, These teachers must be having certain skills such as, Motivational skills, Caring ability (most important factor) this is also sighted in hospitality industry which is also a multicultural industry during caring for guests, Excellent communication skills and awareness of social and cultural beliefs and norms. References Books and Jornals ITTT Study material ( Unit 19) Banks, J.A. (1999).  An Introduction to Multicultural Education (2nd ed.). Crosby, E.A. (1999) Urban schools forced to fail Diener, E & Diener, M. (1995), “Cross cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self esteem”Journal of personality and social psychology.