Teach English in Fenghuo Zhen - Xianyang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fenghuo Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xianyang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In everyone's life there is at least one person that can be called a teacher, and it doesn't matter who is it — our older neighbour living next door or the person standing at the blackboard in a classroom for hours, and trying to give you a piece of knowledge in some way. Anyway, we get something in result. The teaching profession is very difficult. Teachers are people who play a big role in the formation of personality. Any teacher needs to realize what a huge responsibility he has. He can reach out to every child, pass on his knowledge, and even become a good friend. Trying to find the answer for question «Who is a teacher» I would like to take a deeper look at the problem as it is quite complicated for me. From the one side, it is a philosophical question. We should always ask ourselves what we are doing being «a teacher». Teacher has a lot of professions hidden inside. At the same time a teacher is acting as a mentor, as a policeman, as a psychologist, as a babysitter, and so on. Striving for one aim for the teacher — to get kids the good knowledge and help them to discover their talents to find their way in the future life — these roles differ by nature. Only you decide how to connect all of these parts together in the best way and what roles suit you best, and what roles need more involvement from you. From another side, it is the question of our competency and our desire of getting better by doing the stuff in this occupation. If you stop developing yourself you will find yourself very fast in the situation when you are almost completely do nothing to do your job effectively and enjoy it in an adequate level. So, you should always keep your mind flexible and open for new ideas as teaching is not a static process. It is also good, in my opinion, if you have a good communication experience or at least a significant background to be able to fix a lot of things arising constantly while doing this job. You are always moving and developing with people who you are teaching together. In result, a teacher is a person who can play a lot of roles at the same time, and constantly aims to get better. Teacher always faces with different situations of different scale and difficulty changing within the time very fast. There is no universal solution for many problems that highly likely seem to be the same. If you are going to be a teacher you should realise what kind of responsibility and what level of stress you may face. Doing his job teacher inevitably shows an example (sometimes not good one) of what is good to do and what is not also. The role of the teacher is quite difficult to overestimate. It is the teacher who provides us with knowledge, the teacher not only teaches us a lot of subjects, but also does everything possible for us to learn them. He also takes care of our physical and mental state, helps to reveal hidden talents, allows us to be an individual and helps in every way. The teacher takes a considerable part in our education, in our growing up and becoming a person. It depends on the teacher how will our acquaintance with science take place and how effectively we will use the given knowledge in our life and career. Teacher is constantly learning along with his students, so he has a lot of things to give children. To sum up, the profession of a teacher is difficult, because it needs dedication, self-development, communication skills and most importantly, probably, love for children and the desire to give them knowledge, help on the difficult path of growing up.