Teach English in Duolin Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duolin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I have greatly appreciated the content in this online teaching business English course. I found all 6 units to be helpful in my preparation as a teacher of business English, however, I feel that a few parts of unit 3 were especially useful to me, and I feel that the content in this section was the best thing that I have learned from this class. The information that unit 3 provided on level testing and conducting a needs analysis was extremely helpful to me. In previous TESOL training, I had learned about doing level testing, however conducting a needs analysis was a completely new (yet very useful) skill for me. I thought that the sample needs analysis that was provided in unit 3 was very helpful, as I was able to think about what specific questions might be important to ask future students when preparing for a class. I like that the unit discussed how the level test is completely separate from the needs analysis, and should only test English proficiency, rather than any specific business knowledge. I also liked how this unit discussed the importance of conducting the needs analysis after the level test, but before grouping students. This allows the teacher to consider both level and specific student needs while strategically placing students into groups. In previous TESOL training, I have had extensive opportunities to practice lesson planning, and I now feel fairly confident in my ability to plan and prepare for individual classes. However, one concern that I have had regarding teaching was my lack of training in syllabus design. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this ITTT teaching business English course included information on the process of syllabus design, as well as a sample syllabus. Unit 3 discussed the various types of syllabus structures, including structural, functional/notional, learner-led, and situational. It also explained that the syllabus may be further broken down into the what the students will see, the materials that are required at each stage, and how groups and resources will be used. The unit then broke down the syllabus design process into simple steps. First, the teacher should consider the students’ results from the level test and needs analysis and decide on the main areas of need. The teacher should then consider the total amount of time that the class will cover, and then subtract time that will not be spent on teaching and practice. This was an important component for me to remember to consider while syllabus planning, as things like a needs negotiation and student assessment will take up class time. The teacher should then list the language requirements for each of the main areas of need, and then strategically order the course content with this in mind. Overall, this has been an excellent course, and all 6 units provided me with new information that will be useful to me both as an English as a second language teacher in general and with regard to teaching business English specifically. I hope to put all that I have learned to good use in the classroom and that I can continue learning and growing as an ESL instructor.