Teach English in Xinzhuang Zhen - Xining Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xining Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Learning a foreign language in any part of the world is a demanding task which requires dedication and long-term commitment. It, however, can be particularly difficult for the Chinese students. From a completely different alphabet to the lack of professional foreign expert training due to the high demand, Chinese students face a number of problems in learning English language. In the recent years, the increasing competition among Chinese students transformed learning English from an optional to a-must course. In spite of that, the traditional teaching methodology applied at the local educational institutions has for the most part remained the same. Due to a large numbers of students in a single classroom they encounter limited opportunities of practicing their knowledge. Local educators simply do not have the resources to pay enough attention to students individually. On the contrary, they focus on rigid syllabus that supplies their students with grammatical rules and words, which ultimately leaves pupils with high exam scores, yet poor communication skills. The obvious solution would be to implement variety of techniques instead of solely relying on the narrow grammar-translation based teaching. Taking into account the large number of attending students the teacher could more often serve as a moderator of discussions and group-based activities to encourage the practical use of language. In this way, the students get a chance to grow their confidence and familiarize themselves with the new materials. Although, rich vocabulary and correct grammar are essential, the ability to express thoughts is the core of any language. It ought to be especially important for the Chinese learners to begin applying verbal practice as early as possible, granted the two languages share very little in common. Mandarin alphabet, rhythm, pronunciation and word order among other aspects are almost completely different from those of English. Therefore, without dynamic combination of several teaching methods and verbal practice students are restricted from improving their fluency and apprehending the cultural aspects of English colloquial communication. For example, when the students are presented with a verbal task they should be able to carry out the conversations with their counterparts without teacher's input. Nonetheless, even with a foreign teacher's guidance it would be wrong to presume that the success of Chinese students learning English well depends on student's efforts alone. The English teacher also shares responsibility by having to adjust to the common issues of the local language learners. Being able to apply appropriate methods and materials by taking into account the cultural aspects is a fundamental part of the teachers job. Unfortunately, one of the problems in China is that due to the enormous demand for qualified English teachers, they are driven to compromise. More often than not, schools and language training centers hire inexperienced foreign teachers that fail to live up to the good standard of education. A feasible solution to this problem would be a shift in perception that merely being a native speaker versus a qualified and experienced non-native language foreign teacher is enough. Pronunciation is yet another major issue that causes a great deal of difficulties for many local students of all ages in China. Neither Mandarin nor other dialects share sounds directly corresponding to the ones of English like /r/ and /l/, or /n/ and /l/. Among many others these are the sounds that pupils in China must be taught from the ground up. A lengthy process itself it oftentimes leaves most students struggling to differentiate between two sounds without proper guidance. I have effectively applied a method of physically showing how these sounds are made which later followed by listening practice and spelling games in order to train the ears and stimulate student's muscle memory. All in all, pupils in China have an array of difficulties to deal with when learning English. Although, some of the issues like pronunciation are inevitable, others like teachers applying the old-fashioned "read, repeat and memorize" teaching methodology to large capacity classrooms can be changed.