Teach English in Hongdao Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hongdao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching Business English By Jill Kaminski Based on my research into teaching English abroad, it seems business English courses are becoming more popular and in demand. With the internet creating more connections between people, businesses, and commerce, English is becoming the common language of global business. This creates a great opportunity for native English speakers to teach adult students (abroad or online) speaking, reading, and writing skills that can be specific to their industry and the professional environment. Business English “usually means learning a new jargon and how to speak appropriately, concisely and diplomatically in the office” (Bhagan, 2007, p. 3). The skills and requirements, and considerations when teaching Business English are many. Typically an instructor will be certified (TEFL or TESOL), have experience teaching English as a foreign language, and have a professional demeanor and style. Some of the things a teacher must consider are class size, Business English can be smaller class sizes with varying levels of English language knowledge. The teacher must be considerate and respectful of employee positions as well. Another consideration is class space.Typically a course will be held at the corporate offices and boardrooms, or at a language school. The instructor should be prepared for differentiated teaching resources, for example white board or no white board, is there a cassette/CD player available, and unusual class space and set up. In Business English student motivation tends to be higher motivated for career advancement however, “a group of employees gathers for a lesson in the middle of their work day or after they’ve punched the clock” (Lindelauf, 2019, p. 3) so students may be tired, distracted, or interrupted by work. It will be very important for the teacher to remain enthusiastic and in tune with the clients needs and progress. Although it can sound challenging teaching business English can be very lucrative. Most companies pay more than schools or tutoring opportunities. The classes are made up of career minded clients and executives, and results will be expected. Getting certified and taking a CTBE (Certified to Teach Business English) would be very helpful in landing a high paying teaching job with a foreign company. Experience and a work visa will also be helpful. Teaching English in a business setting will still require the basics of teaching English - grammar, speaking, listening, writing, sentence structure, tenses, verb forms, pronouns, etc… however, the examples, vocabulary, formality, and practice will revolve around the industry that the students are working in. The product will be more career oriented, for example; resumes, interviews, professional email, presentations, phone calls, and general business etiquette. The list of lesson topics can go on and on and will largely depend on the industry. This can lend to some creative and individualized interaction in lesson planning and teaching. The opportunities to teach business English are many and varied. With the rise of English as a common business language one can teach abroad, online, and in the native country. With some training, practice, desire, and consideration a native English speaker can travel, learn about new cultures and industries, and meet people from all over the world while teaching English. References: Bhagan, Suzanne (2007, December 8) What you need to teach business english like the boss you are. Retrieved from: Lindelauf, Perrin (2019, January 15) Your guide to teaching business english abroad. Retrieved from: