Teach English in Qicun Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qicun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To start with, i want to believe that i love travelling to different countries and have a taste of the culture and lifestyle of the people in that country. I am from Zimbabwe, a country from the continent of Africa. I have traveled to many African countries, also to a few European countries and recently i moved to the Asian country of China to study Chinese language and to get a feeling of the Chinese culture and lifestyle. During all my travels i have realized the importance of having a global language which is understood by all people of this wonderful Earth. There are so many benefits of having a global language. I am not advocating for people to throw away their local languages,NO! I myself love my mother language but when it comes to interacting and conversing with other people from other countries on an international scale, i have realized the importance of having a global language and in this case, the English language. This is the reason why i think it is good to have English as the official global language. Coming from a country that has embraced English language as the official second language for communication and making transactions, i fully understand why we need it to be taught in all countries for easier communication not only between locals and foreigners but also between locals from different language backgrounds. Coming to China, i quickly realized that the percentage of people who can converse in English is so low such that it is so difficult to travel and even ask for directions or even buy stuff from a shop. Fortunately with the advent of mobile phones that have translators, it has become a big help. But i do believe that if English language was made a global language it would lessen the pressure of foreigners trying to converse with the Chinese people or any other people from other countries. After staying here for two years now, i have started volunteering to teach English in schools where they have never seen a foreigner or heard any English word. The young kids that i teach conversational English are so eager to learn because they believe if you learn English you have a chance to go to America, which in a way is true because you need a universal language to travel to other countries. Learning English also has become a source of pride for students and parents here in China. A universal language will help us in many ways like business transactions, making friends from other countries, using the internet, in intercultural marriages, in diplomatic visits between states etc. The reasons i believe qualifies English to be a global language are: 1. There are many English speaking countries in the world compared to other languages. A survey was made and it concluded that English is an official language of 67 sovereign countries, making it the most popular official language the world over. This can be attributed to the time of the British Empire when it expanded and ruled over many different countries. Many countries from Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia have embraced the English language as the official language for businesses and education. 2. Conversational English is a bit easier to learn. After teaching Chinese kids consistently for a month i realized its easier to learn English because of its simple sentence structures and simple grammar. Therefore learning English as a global language helps one in conversing when in foreign countries. 3. In most cases, being online and surfing and buying and learning on the internet needs you to understand English because online data in most cases is coded into the computer using English codes and language. Many software and codes are in the English language. A survey showed that nearly 1 billion people internet users type and chat and transact in English. 4. English has become a common language between people from different countries. It has become a common language of communication at international level, whether it be in business, movies, international finance etc. The English language is helping people get connected globally. 5. In education it is also dominant in many syllabuses especially in sciences and engineering. Because nowadays people travel to different countries to study there, it's imperative that countries and schools embrace the use of English as a global language. As a teacher, i am going to use my English understanding and knowledge to help as many students and individuals as i can to learn the language. I have made friends here in China just because i can speak English and they also can speak English. If, therefore, many countries embrace English as a global language, it will make it much more easier to communicate and get connected globally. In my conclusion, because of the reasons that i have stated above, i believe there are more advantages of having English language as the global language than disadvantages. I hope and pray that many countries will accept English as a universal language for easier communication and making it easier to transact between people of different countries. English has impacted many people's lives in so many ways. Students have been able to study in other countries because of English. Cultures have been exchanged through conversing in English. Businesses have gone international because of the English language. People like me have been able to travel to other countries because of our understanding and knowledge of the English language.