Teach English in Taicheng Zhen - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taicheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When learning a new language, active usage by the student learner is essential. Speaking the language helps to emphasize understanding and reinforce pronunciation. For various reasons, it is necessary for teachers to talk in the classroom. However, their talking time should be limited in order to maximize student talking time (STT). The amount of teacher talking time (TTT) versus STT will depend on the type of lesson and activity as well as the level of the students. Various techniques can be utilized to reduce teacher speaking time. First and perhaps most important is preparation. Advance planning of the lesson will help ensure smooth flow of the class. A well thought out lesson plan is like a road map for the teacher. It guides the instruction, may decrease factual errors, and reduces chances of the teacher stumbling over what to say or having to needlessly repeat themselves. As part of preparation and advanced planning, equipment intended for use during the lesson should be tested beforehand to ensure proper functioning. Equipment failure during the class will necessitate impromptu explanation of the intended points or activities thereby increasing unnecessary TTT. When thinking of what to say and how to say it, the teacher should avoid TEFL jargon. Students should be given clear and easy to understand instructions/explanations using vocabulary they already know. It is best to use simple language that is below the language level being taught. “Longer complex language wastes time and slows the student down” (unit 5, page 10). One of the simplest techniques to decrease teacher speaking time is to substitute words with gestures, mime, or visual aids such as real objects and pictures. Use commonly understood international gestures. Use demonstration to provide an example. Showing usually conveys the message better than telling. Visual aids “are often used to illustrate meaning more quickly and effectively than through verbal explanation thus decreasing teacher talking time” (unit 17, page 4). As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Sufficient time should be allocated during the lesson for students to use their productive speaking skills. During the engage stage, the teacher should ensure that every student speaks some English. In the study and activate stages, pair and group work should be used as much as possible. They increase the student’s confidence in using the language by providing them a safe practice environment among their classmates before having to contribute openly to the broader class discussion. Using pair and group work “dramatically increases the opportunity for student talking time” and active participation (unit 5, page 4). More guided activities and creative communication such as role play, discussions and debates should be incorporated into the lesson. Activate stage, in which students mainly engage in open free communication, encourages creative use of the language through speaking and writing. Resist cutting this stage short and allow students plenty of time for fluency activities. When provided a comfortable environment with ample time to think about what to say, students are more likely to speak and to be unafraid of making mistakes. Allocating more of the class period for STT will help to limit TTT. Employing the various techniques outlined above should decrease teacher speaking time and improve the student learner’s productive speaking skills.