Teach English in Yuanping Nongchang - Xinzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuanping Nongchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Xinzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Is there a best way to arrange a classroom? The short answer to that question is no, there is no official best way to arrange a class. There are guidelines and general rules that can help in deciding how to seat your students for your lesson. It depends on multiple factors regarding your students and the activities you have planned. There are many different seating arrangements you can choose from and they all have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, orderly rows are often the only solution when teaching large classes of 20 or more students. This arrangement allows for the teacher to maintain eye contact will all pupils which maintain discipline and the teacher can easily make sure all students are understanding the lesson topic. Though orderly rows are great for larger classes they do not suit a smaller groups of learners. Smaller groups usually respond better in a more intimate arrangement. Horse shoes and circles are brilliant for bringing smaller classes together. With the teacher and board at the open end everybody in the circle can keep eye contact while the teacher is less intimidating to the group. This also makes class discussion much easier as well as creating pairs for students to work in. When presented with larger classes of students at differing levels of English a better option than orderly rows might be separate tables. You can split the tables up into ability levels so stronger students can work on more complex topics while other tables or groups are working at their own level. This is great for group work and makes the class feel more informal which can cause problems with discipline and maintaining eye contact. Another very important factor to consider when arranging your classroom is where you will be as a teacher. This should be very dynamic and all depends on the activities you’re doing at the time and your relationship with the pupils. Students are incredibly sensitive to your position in the classroom and even whether you are sitting or stood can tell them a lot. While standing, the students should know that they need to be ready to listen and learn. While sitting is far more informal they should know to get on with their given tasks but they need to feel as though they can interact with you as a teacher if they need guidance. You must remain accessible at all times. The best seating arrangement for your class will maximise the space available to you while allowing you to keep control during the lesson. You should have access to all students at any given time, if you are called upon for help or guidance while they are getting on with work. Seating arrangement and teacher position will have an effect on the atmosphere in a classroom and should always promote the right atmosphere for the current task. If you are giving instructions or teaching a new language point you will want the full attention of the entire class so standing at the front where everybody can see is appropriate, but its not necessary for other times. If students are busy reading or working you can sit to the side somewhere as to not be a distraction while monitoring the class or preparing for the next lesson stage. This also depends on your rapport with the students, some classes you can trust to get on with their tasks and others will need constant supervision to maintain discipline. In conclusion, is there a best way to arrange a classroom? No, but there is a best and most appropriate way to arrange your classroom, for your class, your students, your lesson plan and teaching style.