Teach English in Shunning Zhen - Yan'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shunning Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yan'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

During this certification process, I believe that this process was beneficial and enriched with information that will help with future teaching endeavors. There was a plethora amount of aspects that was enjoyable as well as insightful throughout my experience. For example, the amount of teaching ideas that were included in the chapters will help with future lesson plans that will include each type of learning ability for students. I was able to relay back on information that was learned from different units to help me learn more from different chapters as well. Also, the thorough explanations about the components of grammar that were taught in the units had helped me tremendously with the overall understanding of the concepts for teaching students grammar. The framework for the lesson plans with the utilization of the ESA steps is impactful for making sure that each lesson plan is tailored to be the best for the students. The easy accessibility of the chapters was great in regard to the chapters being easy to read and understand with the thorough explanation for each component that was taught in the chapters. Furthermore, the quizzes that were at the conclusion of each unit helped apply what was taught in the chapter into potential classroom lesson plans to help make sure that whatever was taught n the chapter will be able to be utilized to have the most effective lesson plan. Even though this was a beneficial learning experience, there were some aspects that was not in my best favor. One aspect that I thought could be better were the explanation of the ESA topics. I learned a great amount from the ESA selections, but the analyzation was confusing at times, especially when trying to complete the quizzes at the end of the chapter. This required me to go outside of the textbook and having to search online to properly answer the question. Also, during the video section it was very much confusing when I was trying to differentiate the problems from each video. The videos were at times hard to comprehend when it came down to the quiz questions because it seemed like the correct answer could have been either answer that was available. Another aspect that was discouraging about this experience was the grading aspect. At first, the grades that I was receiving were all A’s and high B’s. There were a couple of sections that were more difficult and I had received a lower score. When this happened, my overall grade dropped tremendously, as if I had gotten horrible grades the whole time. Having the reflections at the end of each quiz was also a repetitive aspect that was at times unnecessary. The explanations that I had typed at the end were getting harder by the time the units were passing towards the end because it was the same aspect that I liked and disliked about each unit that I had to re-word. All in all, this experience has been very helpful, up to date and insightful. I cannot wait to utilize these concepts for future lesson plans that will be able to make the teaching experience more beneficial for my future students, as well as myself.