Teach English in Changchi Zhen - Yangquan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Changchi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yangquan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Wars break over the lust of power, and the lust of power comes after the control of money. Our whole world seems to revolve around the “Green Benjamin”. Whether this is considered shameful or a norm. It is a Fact. A fact that we could not run away from. Business is where it is at. Sellers, Managers, CEO’s all compete to increase their sales and up their services. People work hard to get paid at the end of the day and will do whatever it takes to reach the target in order to get a bonus. Unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many obstacles for the horse to overcome during the race. One of them is Language. And English, is the most spoken Language in the world after Chinese*1 with a total of 983 million speakers worldwide. Yes Chinese has a higher number of people who speak it, but when it comes to the coverage, people who speak English are scattered world-wide, where Chinese stays in China and English is the common ground language between many people with different first languages. Business at the end of the day is money, and in order to make money, you need to have a deal, and in order to have a deal, you need to communicate and set grounds in order to upgrade the business service level, or create business connections overseas. Hotels need to teach their staff English in order to upgrade their service level, online shopping websites need to communicate in English to attract the highest number of customers world-wide. Big reputable countries need English to make international deals and communicate with other big businesses overseas. Small businesses might need to create connections for a franchise of a company that most probably speaks English. Small shops and restaurants in touristic areas need to learn English to avoid any misunderstandings with the customers and create a smooth service or transaction. Some big companies employ translators to accompany the personnel into the meetings to help with the communication issues, and they also do translations of lots of paper work, yet it might be shameful for a manager, director, or CEO to have poor English since people who lack understandable English these days are frowned upon if they are in such high positions as it is considered un-prestigious and a negative representation for the company. In addition to that, most media is published in English, so lots of other business reports are published in English, so in order to read them to know the position of the company/institution in the current market to estimate a ranking (which is super important for reputable companies who undergo self-refection and development) they need to learn English. Even for people who already speak English, some need to learn the specific terminology that is used in their business field and know how to use it (most likely taught using the situational method). So it is not a surprise to have prospects who want to learn English just for specific business encounters. And it is also expected to have a different approach to teaching those prospects the language in a different way than taught to other students due to their age, needs, or the sensitive positions and situations that they encounter in their jobs. They will want to learn specific words and sentences to use in specific situations to express themselves and create a conversation that revolves around money. Once they get the deal, they can follow up with more specific vocabulary and whole sentences to keep up with the second party and provide the promised service. Overall, learning English is a on a rise of demand and the prospects are increasing day by day, so the need to learn English in order to enhance business success is extremely important. *1 ( 12/07/2019 4:36 AM