Teach English in Nanlou Zhen - Yangquan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nanlou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yangquan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is absolutely true that “Language is a source of contact” as goes by the definition of the word language itself, but with the passage of time and human social development, it was felt that this source ought to be more specified, accurate, comprehensive, sensible and to the point. This idea gave birth to “grammar content” of language. The significance and necessity of grammar in English language have been a continual debate. Some of the theorists have been of the view that importance of grammar in language learning cannot be minimized. On the contrary to this theory, there are others who consider grammar as nothing but a set of certain rules and exercises for naming words as parts of a sentence and they think that it is something that can easily be done away with. Practically and logically speaking, when it comes to English language learning for natives and non natives both, grammar has a positive and real deep effect on every skill of language learning. For a considerable period time, it was considered that English grammar is important only for academic purposes i.e to pass exams and get good grades only but now it has been an established fact that due to rapid moving socio-economic world and global village scenario, nobody can deny that whether we talk about receptive skills (reading and listening) or productive skills (speaking and writing) grammar has been a very integral part of English language and its learning ought be taken seriously. Advanced communication skills, in all parts of social setup around the globe, need for a high degree of grammatical competence. If our communicative proficiency does not corresponds with knowledge and application of grammar and use of appropriate vocabulary of the language, we are unable to convey meanings in a socially acceptable way. This is also one of the reasons why in today’s world teaching of English grammar is considered a must and has found its way into hundreds of thousands language schools and training institutes. Keeping in view the above discussion, it can easily be extracted that learning grammar is vital component for learning English language. If we talk about non-natives, who are unable to grasp the essence of English language naturally; instructional, grammar based and structural learning are necessary. With the help of grammar knowledge, an ESL learner come to know how to create correct sentences no matter he is speaking or writing. It also gives the user a boost up confidence level. Here, it is also important to notify that some people argue that native learners ‘notice’ grammar rules and logic naturally. It is true but it can not be denied that even a native English speakers needs to grasp and use “correct and appropriate” English, grammar learning is also a must for him. At the end of this essay, it is also necessary to explain here that while considering grammar being important for English language learning, many grammarians have mentioned the researches which prove that learners who have properly taken grammar lessons and understood its importance made remarkable progress within few weeks of tutored sessions as compared to those who tried to pick up the language naturally. It is, therefore, rendered that the three dimensions of grammar: namely – form, meaning and use that tutored grammar learning brings to the learners’ attention enable them to progress in language at all levels easily. They are less likely to find difficulties in their practical lives working with English and in English environments.