Teach English in Changjiangshequ - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Changjiangshequ? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In order for students to successfully learn English, they must be motivated, be exposed to English, and be given the opportunity to use it. These elements all contribute to the “Engage, Study, Activate” (ESA) methodology for EFL teaching. In our current society, technology is pervasive, and the classroom is no exception. This can present an advantage if online resources are utilized effectively. For each stage of the ESA methodology, online resources can be used to enhance students’ English learning experience. The “Engage” phase is somewhat of a language warm-up, and is used to get students thinking and speaking in English, preparing them for what is to come in the lesson. It is particularly important to capture students’ interest and get them involved in the lesson in this phase, as this will set the tone for the entire lesson. Some examples of activities that can be used in this phase include games, music, pictures and stories. In this stage, online resources can be used to find example activities, print pictures, and find music or videos. For example, if the lesson involves learning how to ask for and give directions, students and teachers could compare online maps of their hometowns, eliciting appropriate vocabulary and allowing students to gain familiarity with the concepts that will be discussed. This can be done using the resource of Google Maps. If the lesson involves learning names of animals, a Google image search will allow the teacher to print out images ahead of time. These can be used to talk about what kinds of animals might be found in zoos versus in the wild. The online resource of YouTube can be used to find music and videos that are suitable for the Engage phase, because watching videos or listening to music in English will get students feeling more familiar and comfortable with the language. The “Study” phase focuses mainly on transmitting the new information or language tools that are the focus of a particular lesson. This involves covering the language point and then practicing it through activities such as gap-fill exercises, word searches, crossword puzzles, and studying texts and dialogues. Through searching online, the teacher can find many example worksheets, words searches, and crossword puzzles suitable for various levels on English language learners. These can be used as inspiration for unique exercises, or printed out with permission depending on the resource. For example, the website can be used to create word searches and crossword puzzles. Texts and dialogues can also be found online. For instance, pronunciation practice could be inspired by real news articles from sources such as The New York Times or popular culture references in Rolling Stone, which are both accessible online. Additionally, podcasts and audio clips can serve as an authentic listening experience for English language learners, and can be found online through sources such as the BBC at The “Activate” phase of an EFL lesson is when students are encouraged to use as much of the English language as they know, as freely as possible. This stage focuses on fluency and active participation of students, rather than accuracy. Examples of activities in this phase include role-plays, communication games, and even debates with higher level students. Largely, online resources can be used as a source of inspiration for a teacher to come up with new ideas for this phase. For example, Dave’s ESL Café,, has an entire page called the “Idea Cookbook” in which EFL teachers can find games and activities that can be adapted for the Activate phase for any language point. There are many other forums and online communities that teachers can use as inspiration to create role-playing and other communication games for this phase. The “Engage, Study, Activate” methodology for English teaching is particularly useful because it sets up a framework for students to be motivated, exposed to English, and given the chance to use their English skills. For each phase, EFL teachers can utilize online resources to enhance their lessons and provide students with relevant and engaging English language content.