Teach English in Fushan Zhen - Yantai Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fushan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yantai Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I picked the topic "The importance of stories for English learning in early childhood' because i think this one of the most interesting of them all, because its important to start nourishing a student at the very young age. The earlier the better because when the time comes that child is in the position that requires a lot of studying at least it is within the child's interest . Parents may wonder what are the benefits of reading to a very young child who may not be able understand , at first they may not see the real effect .That is why reading early and making it habit creates a set of shared experiences that are beneficial in both the short and the long term.Aside from intellectual benefits It also calms your child, especially when your child is restless, reading to them in result can make them curious and mimic what the parents is doing , and the child wanting to read to. There are a lot studies that show that kids who read every day have a larger vocabulary than those who aren’t reading at all. It turns out that reading has a lot advantages and benefits It also helps them understand how to read and write, also reading aloud to children helps them to understand different topics and relate what they heard or read in the childs every day life. There is a saying that kids mind a like sponge they absorb all the things that they heard and all the things that they saw. So the more you read to your children ,the more knowledge they absorb . This is the time to show the kid a broad view of the world this is the time where you can see what are their wants and likes , let the kid explore , read , draw and observe. It lets their mind active and in the long run it would be very helpful to them when they are old enough to make their own decision in life. Reading to children leads to question , and question equals to new information for the kid and the kids questioning ability gives them a chance to speak and express what they feel and what their curious mind thinks . It can also develop interest in other fields like science, arts or sports and there is nothing wrong with that . A kid who loves to learn is dream of every parents. Reading while they are young can cultivate child's curiosity ,reading is the key for lifelong learning and it may be the best practice that a kid could acquire from their parents and reading can also be a kind bonding. Even an infant can look at images , can hear what you're saying and also can point to something but language is an acquired skill the we usually take for granted so the earlier we start to teach our child the better and it can also benefit the child in long run. Learning can be hard sometimes but if its a habit that once kid acquired its hard for them to stop learning and its a life long journey the more we know the more we study ,our thirst for knowledge can never be quench and that is a good thing .That is why its really important to start early as you can to teach or read stories to a child .