Teach English in Gujiang Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gujiang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The various methods that a teacher adopts to execute and achieve the best teaching practices and ensure that all students entrusted in their care receive the best support possible in their learning journey, is called classroom management. It is of great importance that teachers create a positive and successful learning environment, which will lead to fulfilment of learning goals of all students in their care. If students are distracted and resort to disturbing and disruptive behaviour, the effectiveness of the teacher’s teaching is compromised. Classroom management refers to not only the rules and techniques used to ensure classroom compliance but also everything that a teacher may do to support and facilitate student learning. The factors that contribute to student learning are •Behaviour – refers to the respectful and fair treatment meted out by the teacher to the students. •Environment – refers to the welcoming and stimulating classroom environment created by the teacher. •Expectations– refers to the work and behaviour expectations that the teacher requires from the students. •Materials – refer to the learning resources used by the teacher to maximize effective teaching. •Activities – refer to the kinds of learning experiences teachers plan for the students depending on their learning ability. Effective teaching and classroom management go hand in hand. Classroom management techniques need to be developed using experience and consideration to be effective for each classroom. Some of the activities that can be implemented to develop a successful classroom management are: • A consistent entry routine. As soon as the students enter the classroom actions like handing in homework, laying out the learning material or doing a physical and mental warm up can prevent wastage of time at the beginning of a lesson. • A quick written activity as the students come in to keep them focused and ready for lessons. • A tight transition time between activities including a short instruction will maximize learning time. • Usage of non -verbal signals such as raising of hand by the students to call the teachers attention will minimize disruptions during class time. • The act of praising students when they have performed well at a task or in an action creates a culture of appreciating and rewarding positive accomplishments. • Positive verbal reminders to students to remind them of what they should be doing to guide their attention back to their lessons • Insisting that basic tasks are done correctly by redoing them as and when necessary. This strategy ensures that quality work is produced constantly. A teacher is an actor and the classroom is a stage. A good teacher connects with the students through passion for the subject. The moment students realize that their teacher is passionate about the knowledge being imparted, the students will imbibe the contents of the lesson most effectively. The most basic requirement for effective classroom management is good teacher-student relationship which leads to higher student achievement. Schools are probably the only place where students can have their acute challenges addressed. Teacher-student relationships can be strengthened by implementing well researched, effective classroom strategies that will promote and maximize student learning. Teachers can use two styles of classroom management: • The proactive approach • The reactive approach The proactive approach consists of a classroom environment where the teacher models positive relationships and positive behaviour which results in meaningful and positive peer interaction and student teacher interactions. Students co-create classroom rules which they can assert in case they stray and engage in disruptive behaviour. The reactive approach consists of having activities ready for students who complete their task early, having behaviour management charts and strategies ready for students who move from disruptive behaviour to positive behaviour, mediating strategies to prevent escalation of undesirable behaviour among students. The ideal style would be a combination of both- a combination of assertiveness and flexibility in the classroom. A teacher must ideally combine both the approaches and create a balanced learning environment where understanding and respect is reciprocated, thus reducing undesirable and disruptive behaviour. It has been concluded lately that classroom management skills are the building blocks of effective teaching. Good practices and strategies used by teachers have been documented and analyzed in recent years and it has been felt that teacher certification programs lay more emphasis on education theory rather than on practical skills and strategies that a teacher would need to manage a class. Professional development courses related to classroom management are being offered to teachers to improve their classroom management techniques. It is an accepted fact that classroom management is of utmost importance for effective teaching and learning. However, there is a debate about the ideal techniques and strategies to be used and the approach to be adopted to manage a class. Educators are divided in their opinion as to what should be sorted first- the learning environment or classroom management. Some educators believe that the first step towards classroom management would be to ensure classroom orderliness and student compliance. Learning cannot happen unless behavioural and academic expectations are set down by the teacher. Many other educators believe that classroom management can be achieved by involving students in the process. Teachers and students together create the classroom expectations, as a result of which students take ownership of their actions and reflect on their behaviour and work as a group. Classroom management is the key to creating an effective classroom environment for students. It is therefore important for teachers to create a good rapport with students in a classroom in order to encourage them to set high expectations for themselves. An updated and interesting curriculum along with effective classroom management skills will lead to an ideal learning environment.   Bibliography 1)Glossary of Education Reform, Website Article, 2)7 Classroom Management Techniques That Really Work, Website Article, 3)How To Set Up A Simple, Effective Classroom Management Plan, Website Article, 4)Classroom Management, Online Resource, 5)Interview Questions About Your Classroom Management Style, Website Article,