Teach English in Longxing Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Longxing Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Three researchers who reviewed 11 000 pieces of research that spanned over fifty years found that there are twenty-eight factors that influence student learning .When these factors were ranked in order it was found that the most important factor governing student learning is classroom management (Brunette,2019). Classroom management consists of all of the things that a teacher does to organize learners, the learning environment, time and resources so that teaching activities and student learning can take place effectively. It also involves the areas of routines, rules, consequences, contracts, communication between parents and teachers, and a classroom layout. Classroom management contributes indirectly or directly to the teacher’s status and ability to manage the classroom (Brunette, 2019). Johnson (2019) identifies five components of classroom management which are developing effective working relationships with students, training students on how learning takes place in your classroom, protecting and leveraging time, anticipating student behaviors in well-written lesson plans and establishing standards of behavior that promote student learning.Studies reveal that teachers who used effective classroom management strategies had good days and bad days, as is common for all teachers. However, the average number of disruptions in classrooms using effective classroom management procedures was substantially less than in classrooms not employing effective class management procedures (Robert et al, 2019). An effective classroom management plan is the key to becoming an effective teacher, as well as making sure that learning going on in the classroom (Wong, Wong, Rogers, & Brooks, 2012). The following are the reasons why an effective classroom management plan is important in student learning. Firstly, Classroom management is important to help one to become an effective teacher, as well as to make sure that effective learning is taking place in the classroom through the teacher’s lesson plan. An effective classroom management plan will help keep the teachers’ lesson plans running smoothly throughout the year. According to the education researcher Robert Marzano, the focus of lesson planning efforts should be getting students to ask and answer their own questions. Coming up with those types of questions on the spur of the moment can be difficult, but with a little advanced thought through effective classroom management one can incorporate those types of questions into your lesson plans. Classroom management also provides the opportunity to get off to a right start with students because students will know what is expected from them. Secondly an effective classroom management plan is important to help the teacher keep the classroom under control and it helps the students focus better. This is because the classroom rules and regulations will be transparent to all. The teacher also needs to ensure that all students know the class rules and regulations .These rules and regulations are usually communicated on the first day of school. Checking the overall condition of the classroom before meeting the students is also very important aspect of classroom management as it allows the teacher to anticipate any potential problems which may arise during the lesson. If a teacher adequately prepares the classroom then he/she will be more confident and so will the student have more confidence in their teacher. Apart from imparting knowledge and facilitating student learning, teachers are also expected to maintain security and order in classrooms through effective classroom management by stipulating the rules that pertain to discipline (Brauer, 1981). Thirdly studies have revealed that class management is important for student success (The Wing Institute, 2019) How one manages the classroom is the primary determinant of how well your students learn. Usually when students are successful and actively engaged in their work, they tend to be well behaved. It is therefore important to keep students involved in their work, have students understand what is expected of them, maximize time on task, prevent confusion or disruption, and operate in a relaxed and pleasant classroom. This will enhance student learning capacity. Fourthly classroom management is important for building relationships between the teacher and student. According to Johnson (2019) the most important component of classroom management is relationships. An example of building classroom relationships is when the teacher memorises students’ names. The correct calling of a student by his or her name will add a personal touch to the teacher’s presentation and initiate the building of a student /teacher relationship. To effectively manage a classroom, teachers must prioritize building relationships, managing time, and designing behavioral standards (Johnson, 2016). It is by building a strong relationship with students, that a positive learning environment will develop and teachers can expect active participation from most of students. Students usually tend to be more proactive and to give their thoughts and feedbacks during and after effective learning has taken place, which is usually the result of a good relationship between the teacher and student. Effective classroom management helps to achieve effective learning. Through effective classroom management students and teacher become a team where teamwork and cooperation subsequently plays an important role in achieving team goals. The teacher needs the support from his or her students in order to deliver the lesson on his or her best effort. Students’ cooperation developed through classroom management is also important in assisting the teacher to perform his or her job effectively. This will subsequently cause the teacher to have job satisfaction and be motivated in his or her job. In conclusion one can say that the issue of classroom management plays a major role in a teacher’s job satisfaction and effectiveness in student learning. REFERENCES Brauer S (1982). Chemistry teachers’ role in curricular decision making. Unpublished thesis. University of Alberts, Edmonton. Brunette F (2019) The Why and how of classroom management Liu XS, Meyer JP (2005). Teachers’ perceptions of their jobs: a multianalysis of the teacher follow-up survey for 1994-95. Teachers