Teach English in Miaoqian Zhen - Yuncheng Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Miaoqian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yuncheng Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Every teacher has a different way of teaching.Over the years teaching and the education system has evolved tremendously and is still modernizing quickly each day. Today, teachers have many different tools they can use to adjust lessons to students who have different learning styles. It is the teacher’s responsibility to engage the students in the lessons and keep them interested. In doing so, the teacher should begin with a student evaluation to assess strengths and weaknesses of their students. Not every student learns the same, so utilizing these different techniques and deciding which are best for certain lessons will improve student learning. Also effectively using the student analysis to incorporate it into the lesson can help teacher lesson planning. Now that we know the reason for different teaching styles and the benefits, we can begin to explore the different types.The first teaching style is authoritative, or lecture style. This technique is teacher centered and typically involves prolonged lectures and presentation. I’m sure most people have had to sit and endure a long, boring lecture where the teacher talks for 90 percent of the class while students take notes. Although this method is good for auditoriums with a large class size, it leaves little time for actual student to teacher interaction. It is also more beneficial to use this with students who are older or more mature, like adolescents or business professionals who have a longer attention span.The second style is the demonstrator. While being more flexible and entertaining because it uses more activities, media presentations and hands on demonstrations. This can make lessons a bit less boring and stationary, however, it is still quite difficult to acclimate this method to larger size classrooms. Next, we will discuss the facilitator style. This technique encourages self-learning or self-teaching. The teacher takes a step back and allows the students to figure it out for themselves. This encourages critical thinking skills and it even helps the students learn and remember the information better. Which is very helpful because building up critical thinking skills are important so students can explore solutions and find answers without constant teacher assistance. But this style also challenges the teacher to watch students more closely because it is more difficult to see tangible success this way.Now we discuss the hybrid or blended teaching style. This teaching style incorporates students interest and teacher personality with the material being taught. It is very inclusive and intimate for students and can help better cater information to teach students. However, if you do not use this method in the right way, teachers can sometimes try to do too many things at a time which takes away from the focus of the lesson and curricula. So, after discussing all of the different teaching techniques, now we have to decide which method is best for students. After analyzing these different methods and having the experience of being a student in a classroom myself, I’ve concluded that the answer is none of them. There is no one set teaching style that is perfect for students. The best teaching style is all your own. Yes, you can incorporate these different methods we previously looked at but using these interchangeably is the key.