Teach English in Xiangda Zhen - Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiangda Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Yushu Zangzu Zizhizhou? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are two topics on the list that are both material to and apply to my circumstance, so I will speak to both, I am referring to VOLUNTEER TEACHING and WHY COMPLETE A TEFL COURSE? I am not an educator, nor do I have any formal or informal training in that field. Therefore, it is imperative if I am to be successful in my volunteer position of teaching English, that I am properly prepared. Regarding volunteer teaching – though education is not my field, my age (I am 60) and the amount of life experience I have are of value. I have completed 15 years of education, have trained and mentored numerous staff members, and have raised 4 children and helped them throughout their education. Those have all allowed me the first-hand experience of both being on the learning end of the education and being aware of what has been effective in learning, and has also allowed me the opportunity to gauge my effectiveness when imparting knowledge on others. I feel there is value there and will that afford me the opportunity to help others through volunteering. Volunteering is part of the education and way of life I pass on to others. It teaches the giver compassion, gives a purpose and joy; traits that we should all possess and make us better humans. Volunteering is a very good way to set an example for others on giving back, another trait that should be instinctual and pervasive. It is also a valuable commodity in areas of the world that are not able to afford the cost of educators, or to enhance that field in areas with limited resources. In many instances, without volunteers, there would be severely diminished possibilities for or level of educating. It is also important to note that through the experience of volunteering, one also learns; education comes full circle. Once beginning the TEFL course it became immediately evident that there are tried and proven methods to assure success when teaching. As I am going to be working with a deficit already due to the language barrier, it is important I take advantage of all knowledge imparted on me through the TEFL course to remove some of those barriers and provide me with the opportunity to make the process more successful. That will occur by having gained the skills taught on topics such as student assessment, classroom management and actual teaching techniques. The material has been presented in a clear, concise manner. The task sheets at the ends of the units allow me to identify areas I need to review for clarification prior to testing. The unit tests are presented in a manner that require critical thinking skills, not just a regurgitation of facts. The sample worksheets, task materials, crosswords and other materials are great examples which I will be using and adapting to the needs of the classroom. The video in unit 6 was an excellent example and visual on the importance of the impact and effectiveness the teacher (I) can have and the impact that will have on student success. I have found the course to be extremely valuable. I only participated in the 60 hour course and find myself wishing I had the time to take a more extensive course. I have no doubt I will be more successful in my volunteer position due to the TEFL course, and I thank you for your part in that.