Teach English in Fangzhen Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fangzhen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There is quite some teaching skill identified by Bos & Vaughn in their book Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems(Fifth Edition). These include; (1) "The Teaching-Learning Process" (e.g., characteristics of students with learning and behavior problems); (2) "Approaches to Learning and Teaching" (e.g., cognitive strategy skills); (3) "Oral Language" (e.g., content of language instruction); (4) "Reading: Phonological Awareness, Alphabetic Principle, and Word Recognition" (e.g., reading and reading instruction); (5) "Reading: Fluency and Comprehension"; (6) "Written Expression" (e.g., teaching the writing process); (7) "Content Area Learning and Study Skills" (e.g., making adaptations); (8) "Mathematics" (e.g., factors influencing mathematics ability); (9) "Socialization and Classroom Management" (e.g., intervention strategies); (10) "Transition Planning and Life Skills/Transition Education" (e.g., fundamental issues related to transition); (11) "Coordinating Instruction, Collaborating, and Coteaching" (e.g., challenges to successful inclusion and coteaching); and (12) "Communicating with Parents and Professionals" (e.g., communication skills). All these put together helps the teaching skills in a comprehensive learning process. Each of them operating individually might not at the end of the day provide the desired objective as the objectivity of teaching skill and implementation is in the end result of the learning process if the students or those targeted at. The teaching skills to be adopted must be the one that would make the target group (students) very relaxed and motivated, most importantly secured. this will keep them in the right state of mind to want to absorb whats taught and also contributes to the classroom process. This goes a long way as the teacher also have the opportunity to understand how the students or target groups level improves along the process. Socialization in the classrooms is encouraged to help the student with the right motivation, but should not be overstretched in order not to drift the students away from the main objective of the classroom. Also, keep in mind the right words and sarcasm that would be employed in order not to cause any cultural breach in the country of work. The teacher should also adopt the strategy of probably communicating with parents if the target student groups are young learners to aid their understanding in know what to expose the students to at home, at also help in watching more of English TV station and other activities at home, keeping in mind that in some cases, the parents might not be English speakers. Sure, there would always be challenges, are all the students are not in the same level of English nor assimilation, the teacher should have the best skills to strike a balance between all of this, probably in the arrangement of the classroom or the activities grouping, in a way that the weak students would not feel secluded and the strong students will not feel overburdened by class activities. Otherwise, the class becomes boring for the two groups of students thus jeopardizing the objective of teaching and learning. Conclusively, The teacher should be creative enough to apply the best strategy keeping in mind all the aforementioned precautions and keep the focus on achieving the objective if the teaching and learning exercise.