Teach English in Muli Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Muli Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The word education can take on different meanings, among them, it implies to speak in habits and values ​​of a certain society, in a certain historical moment, that is transmitted to later generations. In addition to being something of life in society, education also understands the learning of individual experiences. From the beginning of time the family and the parents were responsible for the education of their descendants, as the centuries went by and the whole revolution of changes of roles happened in the world, education evolved and underwent great metamorphoses. Today, the highest responsibility for transmitting knowledge has been passed on to schools and teachers, but the truth is that institutions are not a hundred percent under obligation to carry this alone. The educational process, or education, can still be understood as the intellectual, physical or moral development of individuals with a view to adaptation and socialization. For some authors, education can be divided into Formal Education and Non-Formal Education. The first refers to school learning, which has clear and specific objectives, widely known. The second one, however, comprises a more diffused form of education, with less hierarchical characteristics. Thus, non-formal education cannot be understood in the system of progression, since it is not systematized. Nowadays, it is difficult to compare the forces of these two kinds of education, which often act in opposite directions: one to form and the other to inform. When it comes to education there is no ready income. But this does not mean that there are no paths that can be followed, in a way that will help to act in situations, especially with the rhythm of learning of each individual, regardless of the age group. Reminding that every child presents a unique rhythm in the process of learning, each person has a particular and different history, formed by its biological, psychological, social and cultural structure. This occurs in both the home and school settings. Every family activity is educational, that is, how the parents react or not, teach the child the consequences of their behavior, even if that is not the intention. Parents are very important in the formation of their children because they are responsible for legitimizing or rejecting values ​​acquired by children in the civilizing process. Regardless of the action of a conscious will, parents are always participating in the education of their children; from the beginning of life, when parental behavior can influence how children will relate to the world and to people. The key to creating a well-balanced child is to establish a solid support system at home so that it grows satisfied with its achievements and ambitions. The goal as parents is to help your child feel competent and confident and help you develop a sense of passion and purpose. It is education that takes place before you set foot in school and that is critical to educating that child. First, one must improve skills such as being for the development of the child's individual identity, to eventually boost their academic performance, it will take time, dedication and patience.