Teach English in Nanjiao Zhen - Zibo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nanjiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Zibo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Growing up, I can remember technology being integrated into my learning ever since I began my education. Classrooms were full of overhead projectors and my classmates and I would always look forward to days where we would watch movies on the small TV provided in the corner. In middle school, the transition from overhead projectors to whiteboards and interactive whiteboards took place at a steady rate. And in high school and college, blackboards, interactive whiteboards, and the use of individual computers became the dominant tools to learn and teach with. Throughout my education, I was exposed to the different types of visual aids and technological pieces to help pique my learning to the fullest, and I was able to see how each had their own advantages and disadvantages. Dependent upon the resources and availability of certain pieces of technology offered throughout schools, the classrooms I was in as a student, as well as expect to be in as an instructor, had/will have at least a white/blackboard, visual aids, and resource books. Boards can be used for many things: drawing, projecting, writing, sticking things on, etc., and can hold the attention of students effectively. Thus, being able to plan ahead is pivotal for lesson planning as it eases transitions and organization. When more advanced pieces of technology such as the interactive whiteboards are used, testing and having back-up plans are essential as well. Overhead projectors are also great for focusing students’ attention and for activity. Nevertheless, classrooms must have a surface that is not bleached out by direct sunlight and need to be of a sufficient size to allow for effective projection. When learning, I found white/blackboards as well as interactive whiteboards to be the most effective in getting my attention. They are easy to use and are easy for the entire class to view the material equally. Overhead projectors were only used for a small amount of time during my education, and I found them to be somewhat problematic as the projector was small and the markers teachers would use often became smudged and almost illegible. Progressing through school though, I began to use individual computers and resources to cater to my specific needs in education, therefore exemplifying the benefits of using multiple technological aids. As technology continues to expand and develop in the 21st century, the way people interact and learn is ever evolving. The availability to connect with the wider world and have access to information in seconds, opens doors to more involvement and exposure to learning opportunities. Skype tutoring with students from other countries, writing emails, watching videos online, etc. all have profound influences on how we absorb and process information. Using new technology in a classroom allows students to gain skills they will need to navigate in a world that is run by it. Modern learning encourages collaboration and developing different forms of communication skills. Technology also allows for accommodation to differing learning styles and abilities. Students can learn at their own pace and, with the access to online sources with a broad range of information, students can move ahead or review difficult concepts when they need to. Nonetheless, the use of technology in the classroom does have its downfalls, with the most pressing concern being that it can be a distraction. Some students prove to learn less when they use computers during lessons which can set progress back. Technology can also diminish social interactions among students, especially through verbal communication. Furthermore, technology can foster cheating in class and on assignments where cutting and pasting someone else’s work is a lot more tempting and easier. Yet, there are ways to approach the challenges/disadvantages that come with using new technology. By creating structure in a classroom, outlining intentions for allowing the use of technology in the classroom, and establishing expectations and guidelines for students, teachers are able to create respectful boundaries. By assigning tasks that use both technological tools as well as oral presentations/group collaboration, student interaction will always be incorporated. And, by structuring assignments and exams in ways that make cheating difficult through the use of classroom software, the amount of cheating can be diminished significantly. Technology in essence, is not meant to replace the teacher, but to be used as a flexible learning aid that encourages innovation. Learning with the help of technology and now teaching with it, I found the use of such equipment in a classroom to be pivotal to my success as well students’ success in general. Technology can stimulate discussion as well as introduce new ways for interaction. Technology should not be overused within a classroom, but it should be incorporated into teaching and learning as it opens doors to new discoveries, experiences, and collaboration.