TEFL Belmoor Delaware

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I would dedicate this work to my supervisor Peter who really enlightened my way through this course and to my dear parents that I miss so much. I would thank you Sir dearly for every drop of help you gave and for every mistake you have corrected to me. Content: I/ Introduction: II/ english as a global language: III/ Reasons beyond english as a global language: VI/ Standard and nonstandard english: V/ How to be a good speaker of english: VI/ conclusion: VII/ References: I/ Introduction: Nowadays, english language is becoming the language of the world. english is used in teaching, in business, in international meetings and in the world of technology. english is a global language par excellence. Which are the factors that stand beyond english as a global language? When we talk english we can speak of two types of english standard and nonstandard. What is the difference? How to be a good speaker of english? II/ english as a global language: No one would doubt the idea that english language is the language of the whole word. All over the world, english language is used for communication and teaching. You get through the internet and you are obliged to use the english language. You travel, you look for a job, you make interviews or you listen to T.V's and english understanding is needed. Wherever you are you are surrounded by english language. In short english is the language of the whole globe, so which are the factors that are beyond that. III/ Reasons beyond english as a global language: Any language in the world lives or dies thanks to their users. Language is a what we produce verbally as sounds to communicate. Yet, these sounds are culturally, religiously, and socially loaded. When we talk about english as a global language surely we would refer to native speakers of this language and how are they ? whether they are developed or not? It goes without saying , that the success of english language all over the world is a mere reflection of the countries speaking this language. english is global thanks to the people speaking it. The countries speaking english language are leading the world, they are developed scientifically, socially , linguistically, and militarily that is why others are in need to this language ; to learn and climb the ladder of development. Probably for that reason english is adapted worldwide in schools as a major subject. Yet , when we talk about english as language we differ two types of englishness. VI/ Standard and nonstandard english: A/ Standard english : Standard english refers to the formal language used in literary dialects and it descends from the west Saxon dialect of english. It is the english of educational institutions. It cares a lot for grammar and structure. B/ Nonstandard english: Nonstandard english refers to the informal dialect used inside one community or country and which is not caring too much for grammar and structure unlike standard english. It is the daily life english that is used in market, street and at home. V/ How to be a good speaker of english: To be a good speaker of english one should follow the rules of his instructor if he or she is a student in a class room or at any educational institution. Besides, one should be exposed to english language and mainly for non native speakers who don't have the chance to speak language every day. They are advised to read newspapers, magazines, books and to appreciate channels that broadcast in english language and preferably native speaking ones such as CNN and BBC. They have also to practice their english outside their schools by making communication to their friends either directly, via mobiles, or through social networking. VI/ conclusion: english is the global language, we have to teach it to our kids to make them up to date and to help them communicate and get access to all facilities provided by the high tech, yet we should be conscious that language is culture, religion, and society. english teaching should not be at the expense of other cultures, religions and societies. It should rather be a means of accomplishment to be open to the world in a tolerant, cooperative, and mutual way without forging one's identity. Total words: 753 Dedication words:50 VII/ References: