TEFL Hallwood Washington

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

First impressions can be a key factor in any relationship regardless of age, background or ethnicity. Students will be at their most judgemental of a teacher and the topic they teach in the first couple of lessons, and this is likely to affect their future motivation and attendance. Some teachers in colleges and universities favour not to build rapport with students due to belief that it is unnecessary and can disrupt teaching practices, with lessons becoming side tracked off the topic. Though a friendly and welcoming teacher can help students have confidence to ask questions and give opinions, and generally enjoy the lesson, which increases their attention levels. This is likely to be particularly beneficial for the progress of foreign language students. Sense of humour can be the most effective manner for a teacher to “break the ice” with new students, though an appropriate moment should be chosen, for if the teacher tries too hard it can embarrassingly backfire! Smiling and friendly conversation can be the best introduction. To ask for students names and interests, if not a short piece of information about themselves, and remembering them for the rest of the lessons sets a warm and respectful tone that is likely to be returned by the class. The teacher should also provide some background information about themselves, and while this may not incite conversation in the first lesson, if regular experiences and opinions are shared by the teacher, then some students are likely to eventually do the same. Information students share about themselves can be used by the teacher for materials and activities in future lessons. To have motivated and insightful students, the teacher must be seen to be motivated and focused upon the topic also. A charming personality if going to be little use if students have lost faith in the teachers ability and direction of the lessons. If the teacher is not sure of the answer to a question, then they should not guess or give information that could be wrong. teachers cannot be expected to know every detail or way of explaining a matter, though it will reflect poorly on them for providing false information in desperation to have an answer. Arriving early for the lesson and leaving later is an encouraging sign for students who need to feel that their ambitions to progress quickly are matched by their teacher. Should students need to clarify something that there is no time for in the lesson, then it is encouraging for them to know a teacher is happy to help, thus increasing respect and motivation. Sharing the course outline and asking students for their opinions, or which areas they need more specific work on, sets a tone of equal conversing between the teacher and the students, and shows that the teacher is interested in hearing their views rather than expecting them just to listen. When asking questions, and analysing students efforts, the teacher should be patient and respectful instead of challenging or demanding. Some students may be nervous or unwilling to answer in class, but it is still important for a teacher to be aware of their abilities and progress, and so sensitivity and attention during class activities is advised. If a teacher is too intense it can be off putting if not intimidating, particularly to students who are struggling. Observation of how the students behave, whether they are open and lively or otherwise, can be a guideline for the tone the teacher needs to adopt when talking to them and generating response. Some adults can be especially insecure or fragile when asked to answer questions in front of the class. Establishing rapport with a class of students most importantly requires a focused teacher who is responsive and sensitive to the environment of the classroom. Being too determined to be liked by the students and forcing an atmosphere or tone is likely to work against a teacher instead of making them effective. There is no character type that is guaranteed to have a great relationship with every student, though with focus and concentration the teacher can form a rapport with students that will make lessons more productive.