TEFL Liyang

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L.C. - U.S.A. said:
Teaching business english can be quite a challenging task. Teaching these students requires the teacher to find out or learn about their students in order to create lessons that will improve their english ability. It's always more beneficial to tailor the lessons to students' specific needs rather than follow a book step by step. In order to tailor lessons to suit students’ english needs role playing realistic scenarios of meetings, greeting clients, telephone conversations, customer service and business negotiations are important aspects of lesson preparation. In addition, teachers should make the students do business presentations in front of the class on different topics such as; marketing, promoting and negotiating. This will teach them how to introduce their topic, how to transition it from one idea to the next and how to conclude the topic and take questions from the audience. Also, english learners might need to do presentations for their business and this will give them a starting point on how it should be done. It’s important to teach business english correspondence skills to the students. Many business professionals who use english for business need to write business letters, emails, and short reports and will need to use the common phrases or expressions associated with business writing. The teacher should ensure that lessons focus on the writing a formal letter to employer and provide good examples to demonstrate how these would be done. During these lessons, the teacher needs to the importance of english grammar and punctuations. Another very important topic is Email writing. Give your students the tools and confidence to start and end emails in a professional way. Go over phrases that they will come across and get them to practice writing each other emails that they would need to write in their every day jobs. The teacher should ensure that he/she broadens the selection of discussion topics in business. For example, even if a student work for an insurance company, that doesn't mean that he/she wants to talk about business related to insurance for the entire class time. Therefore, the teacher should offer diverse topics which get students to be more involved in business english speaking skills such as; how to use english to find new jobs on the market and the advantages and disadvantages of doing business globally. The goal of business english is not so much to teach about business, but to get the students to be exposed to as much english as possible so that can effectively use the english that they have learned to work in their business-related field. Another point of focus is Telephone Talk through role plays. To create this activity the teacher can use role play cards for example; one person is a receptionist and the other wants to speak to someone in the company and leaves a specific message. Put students back to back when doing these exercises. This will force them to listen to each other more carefully as in a telephone situation. These are excellent practices which will allow students to act out common situations such as meeting someone for the first time, or what to say at a dinner party. Finally, teachers should make sure that activities are as relevant to the students’ real job as possible.