TEFL South Hampton New Hampshire

Check out about TEFL South Hampton New Hampshire and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

When we started this course my first thoughts as a native english speaker was I did this when I was younger but as we were going through it, I had forgotten things that I did and this course was a great reminder of that. I also learnt things that I obviously didn't pay attention to when I was at school. I have already applied some of the skills I learnt from this course when I got the opportunity to teach a class for an hour, for example, smiling is a good idea and getting to know the students and their names so that you can identify them and ask question. I also used the ESA method which was a great help. I am planning to use the certificate to help me become an english teacher in hong kong. I feel that this course will actually help me to think as a teacher and to think how I will teach before the class I will take. It will help me to plan properly especially in instances where I would have to plan a day before the class of what I am going to do. I feel this course has taught me and reminded me on topics I didn't know and topics that I forgot. This course has taught me how to be a teacher and the correct way to approach students and get them interested in learning. This course was much more difficult than I thought it would be. The course served as a reminder of what I learned in school before. Growing up in the philippines helped me to cope with the course because we were taught english from the very first time is stepped into the school. I found some sections difficult, especially the tenses. But I do find learning again the major aspects of english very important and very interesting. This has helped me a lot and I believe that I can use this for the future. I am planning to apply for part-time teaching jobs in hong kong. One disadvantage that I have experienced is being rejected by schools for not being a Native english Speaker. I always get the impression from employers that because I am not Caucasian, they do not want me to teach english. I find this very degrading and sometimes insulting. I am just as qualified as anyone else. Hopefully, having the tefl certificate will help me to finally pursue my career in teaching.