TEFL Tengzhou

Check out about TEFL Tengzhou and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

C.P. - Korea said:
This course has taught me many things. I have learned many new teaching skills that I have already begun to practice in the class room. After teaching young students for the past few years I learned that had become complacent in my role as a teacher. This course has helped revive the old teacher in me and challenge my skills in planning lessons for each different class. I have learned many grammatical forms and how they can be approached in a learning environment. english classes were a distant past and it is great to have relearned some of the things this course teaches. Along with taking this course, it has given me many new ideas and techniques to use in the classroom. My main reasons for taking this course were to learn new teaching methods, grammar issues and to help further my career as a teacher of the english language. I feel that this course has done that and more.