TESOL Certification Taiwan Keelung

Check out about TESOL Certification Taiwan Keelung and apply today to be certified to teach English abroad.

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

This was an interesting chapter because it reminds you of using interactive activities that will help with the learning process. It explains the use of different types of visual aids and equipment to help with the class. This was an interesting chapter because it reminds you of using interactive activities that will help with the learning process. It explains the use of different types of visual aids and equipment to help with the class. This may not be beneficial for me because my job has a curriculum but hopefully in the future. Next the unit focuses on verbs and adverbs. Verbs describe action. Some verbs are very straightforward in describing an action whereas others are more abstract and describe states or opinions. Some examples of state verbs or words like be