TESOL Jobs Brazil Atibaia

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

In this unit we clearly explains about the structures and usages of the conditionals and reported speech. Conditions (if clauses) are described about the result of something that might happen or might have happened but didn't. Conditionals divided as five types in this unit such as; (1) Zero conditionals- used to talk about things that generally or always true. (2) First conditional- used to talk about future events that are likely to happen. (3) Second conditional- used to talk about impossible situations and still thinking about future. (4) Third conditional- used to talk about impossible conditions that happened in the past. (5)Mixed conditional- unreal conditionals second and third can be mixed (conditional with mixed tenses) and providing useful teaching ideas. Also helping to described about Reported speech - that how we represent the speech of other people or what we ourselves say