Teach English in Coega - TEFL Courses

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On this first grammar unit we recognize the different parts of speech, which are how we classified words in a sentence according to their purpose and meaning when added. Before we study the elements that integrate the parts of speech, its important to remember that a sentence is the simplest form of a structure, and its formed at least by a subject and a verb. The object is the element that points to whom the action is applied or done. Parts of Speech Nouns A noun is a word use to identify people, animals, places and Names. The main types of nouns are: Common: No capital letters Proper: Always capital letters Compound: two nouns joined to make a new one. Abstract: Something we experience as an idea and we cannot touch. Collective: Name of a group as if they were one. To indicate plural nouns we just add an s, unless the noun ends in ch, sh, x, s we add es. Nouns that end with a y change the y for an i and add es. Finally nouns ending with an f change the f for a v and add es. There are irregular plural nouns that need to be memorized. There are countable and uncountable nouns, and as their names indicate countable nouns are people, creatures and things that can be counted whilst uncountable nouns can?t be counted. Adjectives Adjectives are use to describe nouns. When adjectives are used in clusters they can have different orders but it is important to teach what seems natural in the context we are working in. When comparing, there are comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives. Comparative: Adjectives can be transformed into comparative when we add er followed by the word than. When an adjective has more than two syllables we do not add er we just use the word more preceding the adjective. Superlative: Superlative adjectives are use to compare three or more people, things, ideas and are formed by adding est to the end of an adjective. When an adjective has more than 3 syllables we use the word most preceding the adjective. Articles Articles are used to refer to something; also they indicate membership to a category. Indefinite articles a and an are used when referring to any member of the group and are only used with singular nouns. Definite article the is used when the noun is particular or specific and can be found with plural and singular nouns. The zero article is use with nouns referring to something general or general ideas about countable nouns when is pluralized. Verbs Verbs are doing words that combined with a subject form a basic sentence but also they can refer to a state. Depending if they are followed directly by an object they can be classified in transitive and intransitive verbs. Infinites are the base form of a verb, they refer to the action as a whole. Auxiliary verbs help form a tense or an expression, there are the auxiliary verbs, do have and be. Adverbs Adverbs add meaning or information to the action, quality or state, they also modify adjectives or adverbs. There are 5 types of adjectives: manner, place, time, degree and frequency. To form adverbs we add ly to the end of any adjective. Gerunds Gerunds are the ing form of a verb used as a noun. Pronouns Pronouns are words used instead of more precise nouns or nouns phrases. There are 4 types of nouns: personal, possessive, reflexive and relative. When teaching pronouns it is very important to bare in mind that students of many nationalities tend to confuse subject pronouns with object pronouns. Also possessive pronouns are confused with possessive adjectives. Prepositions Prepositions are use to show relationship between a noun or a pronoun and another word. There are three categories, time/Date, movement and place/position. Of and With are also prepositions that do not fit in any of the mentioned categories. Conjunctions Conjunctions join words of the same class or they can join clauses of sentence. By studying this unit I leaned the different elements that integrate the parts of speech, their usage, types, how we can form them or even modify them. The unit provides us basic tools so we can understand how words function and what is their purpose in a sentence. In this unit we do not only learn about grammar but we learn different key concepts that we can apply when we are planning. ", The truth is