Teach English in Odendaalsrus - TEFL Courses

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in Free State? Are you interested in teaching English in Odendaalsrus, Free State? Check out our opportunities in Odendaalsrus, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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The grammar is the language's structure. In order to teach the language we need to start at the base of the language structure, this is what we call ' the parts of speech'. We distinguish eight different parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, articles, verbs, adverbs, gerunds, pronouns, prepositions/conjunctions. ~Nouns ( used to Name things). There are many types: common(bed), proper(Sara), abstract(magic), compound(blackbird), collective(flock)... All nouns fit into two groups: countable(house, brain, animal) and uncountable(sand, gas, money) ~Adjectives (used to describe things). They usually come in clusters of two or three, and their natural order should be size, age, colour, material, noun. Eg. Huge neoclassical marble building. They can also be used to stablish comparisons. Comparative: Eg: bigger than, more beautiful than, better than( irregular). Superlative. Eg: the biggest, the most beautiful, the best(irregular) ~Articles (used to refer to something specific or unspecific). There are three types: Indefinite, definite, zero article. Indefinite article: A/ An. Eg: A cow, an attic, a unit. Definite article: The. Eg: The Houses of Parliament, The Clinton case, The Thames river. Zero Arcicle ( absence of article): Eg. Behaviours are studied thoroughly in our course; Money is a good incentive. ~Verbs ( together with the subject forms the basis of the sentence, describes an action or a state). Action verbs: eat, work, sing. State verbs: be, perceive, taste. All verbs can be separated into two groups: Transitive or Intransitive. Transitive verbs are followed by an object in the sentence. Eg: He drives a small car. Intransitive verbs are not followed by an object in the sentence: Mary agrees. Infinitives are used to name the action of the verb and they are formed adding 'To' to the verb base form. Eg: to run, to fly. There are four verb forms: Base form(go) past simple(went), past participle(gone), and present participle(going).There are Regular(hit) and Irregular(go) verbs, they need to be memorized). There are also auxiliary verbs( do, have and be) that help form the tense. ~Adverbs (they add information to the action in the sentence). There are different types: manner(thoroughly), place(inside), time( tomorrow), degree( a lot), frequency(weekly), comment/attitude(intelligently), linking(secondly), viewpoint(personally) adding/limiting(also). They are normally placed after the object with transitive verbs, or after the verb on an intransitive sentence. If we are using many of them their order should be: Place, manner, time. -Gerunds (Are the -ing form of a verb used as a noun). Eg: I love driving. Confusing messages lead to ineffective communication. ~Pronouns (Are words that are used instead of nouns). There are four types: Personal: She, her... ; Possesive: Mine, theirs... ( students often confuse these with possesive adjectives) ; Reflexive: myself, ourselves... ; Relative: Who, whose... ~Prepositions/ conjunctions ( Prepositions are used to show the relationship between the noun or pronoun and some other word in the sentence. Prepositions are one of the hardest and most confusing subject for students). There are three main types: Time/Date(at, until, Before...), movement(through, from, over...), Place/position(on, under, next to...). Other prepositions like 'of' do not fall into any category. (Conjunctions are used to join words or clauses in a sentence. Eg: and, yet, as soon as...)