Teach English in Northern Cape - TEFL Courses

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This unit highlights grammar and the use of grammar and further more how to logically explain it. It's is important for the teacher to have basic grasp of grammar as the teacher will be required to an
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in Unit 2, i could review the grammar(part of speech) which is essential to teach English. it was helpful that i could orgnize the concept of the part of speech again. And Watching the video for Uni
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Alexander Bay
I learned a lot from this unit. Even though I am a native English speaker I have not thought about grammar since elementary school. It was a good review for me on verbs. I did not remember the differe
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The unit provided an overview of parts of speech most commonly used in the English language. I learned about the different classification of hours, including common, proper, compound, abstract, and co
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This unit was about parts of speech, which are categories of words that define the word?s role in the sentence. Parts of speech include: Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prep
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As discussed in Unit One of this course, teachers and Learners, the role of the teacher is an important part of the classroom dynamic. Depending on the activity that is being performed, the teacher ma
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Barkly West
This section help me remember the basic grammar rules of English. It is always good to refresh on these rules because sometimes they can feel complicated and hard to remember 100 percent of the time
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This unit focused on parts of speech. In this unit I learned the definitions of verbs, prepositions, adjectives, nouns, articles, adverbs, and gerunds. I also learned the different types of articles
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This unit focused on parts of speech. In this unit I learned the definitions of verbs, prepositions, adjectives, nouns, articles, adverbs, and gerunds. I also learned the different types of article
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Grammar it?s always been a challenge for many of us, but when you find the beauty in it and the usefulness, then everything makes sense and you find yourself enjoying it rather than struggling with it
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Basic sentence structure can be broken down into the following components: subject (the subject that the verb is being done by), object (the object the verb is acting on), verb (an action). There are
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I really....hate...grammar...and this was a very tiring lesson for me. It took three days for me to finish it when it usually takes me a day and a half..I don't think for Korea I am going to be teachi
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I enjoyed this Unit because the sentence structure for the English language was concisely written, and contained thorough examples of how to use words. I think that the information in this unit would
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After the unit I enjoyed this Unit because the sentence structure for the English language was concisely written, and contained thorough examples of how to use words. I think that the information in
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Knowing how to speak a language does not always allow you to be able to teach others how to speak it properly. By gaining a in-depth knowledge of the basics of grammar it allows you to be able to teac
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This section explained all about the different parts of speech that form the basis of how we construct sentences. I felt that this was very useful for me because in my ESL classes I'm often asked why
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I have personally gained a lot from this course! Being born in Quebec canada, where the mother tongue is french, I was still lucky enough to go to english school because my parents had done their stud
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This unit focused on the technical ideas of each English word that forms a sentence. I thought it was an interesting and a refreshing part of the curriculum because it reminded me about some of the se
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This unit gives a brief introduction to basic English grammar. It lists ways to use and teach parts of speech like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. Some common mistakes are noted and explained
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This unit is an introduction to Grammar (parts of speech). Whilst this has been taught already in school, yet it is still very helpful to be refreshed by how these various parts of speech are being or
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As someone who was excellently surmised in the beginning paragraphs of this unit, I had a great handling of what sounds right grammatically but little understanding of the reasoning behind the order.
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De Aar
I've learned the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. The difference between adjective and adverb. That words can be for example both an adjective and a pronoun. How to teach grammar t
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Parts of speech is critically important for teaching English as a second language. Though not discussed in this section, it may a good idea to also have a basic understanding of the host country's lan
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Having distinctions in sentence use does create a better framework for teacher and student to learn to communicate better. The english language does make it difficult since there are many exceptions.
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The unit has given me some useful information on how I can briefly describe the grammar rules in the parts of speech, when giving an explanation to my students. It was much clearer, shorter and to th
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I enjoyed the refreshment, of the English I loved in high school. I enjoyed the refreshment, of the English I loved in high school. I used to write in high school also. I wrote creative stories in gr
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Before we start defining why is important to teach idiom and slang, we have to know what exactly they are. What is an idiom? An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot be predicted from the usua
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In this unit, I reviewed the English parts of speech. The unit gave an in-depth overview of parts of speech and the specific parts of speech within those parts. This unit is a great resource for basi
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While many of my students find this kind of basic grammar boring and tend to ignore it, I think that there really is a basic understanding that is needed both to speak the language well and certainly
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I have gained a lot from this course. I have a few years experience teaching english in Korea, mostly to young learners. However, I was lacking in confidence in teaching older students, but I feel I h
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Jan Kempdorp
The classroom is a space allowing teachers and students to interact with the goal of education. How that space is used can determine the effectiveness of the class. Many factors can contribute to this
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This unit really helped me visit the basics and the understanding of the basic grammar. No language is complete without the basic. It was a good refresher course and a detailed one as well. This unit
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Modder River
It was the handy spell-checker on my computer that first sparked this obsession. My computer and I were forever battling. The computer insisted on automatically changing my correctly spelt words int
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Orania, Northern Cape
This unit is the basics os grammar and a teacher of English should really master the part of speech of English languages. This unit is the basics os grammar and a teacher of English should really mas
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The lesson was about identifying types of words that make up a sentence. I have mostly relearned the basics of the parts of speech. Though some of it were things I already knew, I have also learned to
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The content of Unit 2 was very informative and helpful in understanding parts of speech. Prior to this, I did not understand parts of speech well. The content of Unit 2 was very informative and helpf
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This unit talks about the parts of speech used in english. It gives a comprehensive definition as well as examples of all the parts of speech introduced in this unit. As a native speaker, though i use
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I find this subject particularly interesting, especially in an adult english class. I think the reason it appears appealing to me is because I can see the challenges and the fun activities that this m
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This unit focuses on the basic mechanics of forming sentences in the English language. This is done by breaking down the formation of a sentence into individual word groups, i.e. verbs, nouns, etc. an
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Victoria West
It was great to be able to refresh my memory of this unit. I relearned a lot of things that I noticed I have forgotten. I Enjoy the break down of the the sentence structure and how each one is descri
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This unit forms the basis of the structure of the English Language. In order to be a credible teacher, I need to know the 'Parts of Speech' very well. It has been a good refresher from when I last use
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I was surprised that this unit was quite difficult. Normally I'm really good at grammar but although I was able to learn a lot. English is my second language but I'm very comfortable speaking / using
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